Top 10 reasons to register with GoDaddy
Happy New Year to all the Crazzy cool readers!
Do you want to buy domain? For cheap? Full access? Activated within a minute? No configuration? Then here's a quick post on why Go Daddy is the BEST Domain register around
1. My favorite domain registar is godaddy because you can always find discount codes from other tech sites.
2. GoDaddy because he makes me call him DADDY! ;)
3. GoDaddy. Because they still treat me with "mom-and-pop" quality service. Whenever I call
for anything, always taken care of.
4. Godaddy because EXCELLENT customer service.
5. GoDaddy,because of hosting cheapness and they added a free year to my domain registration!
6. Godaddy. haven't tried others, but haven't really needed to. full service.
7. GoDaddy - What can I say, they've been good to me
8. not the least expensive but close; they call ME to tell me how to save
money; no problems since the start in '05.
9. GoDaddy - What can I say, they've been good to me
10. GODADDY also called to change all my domain renewals to same date, something I kept
forgetting to do. That's customer service!
You'll find a GoDaddy banner at the bottom of the page or HERE so feel free to visit it.
Cheers and Happy New Year again.