Sunday, January 11, 2009

[Windows7] Install Windows 7 Beta in Virtual Machine

Finally Microsoft released the Windows 7 Beta Built 7000 and able to download it without any problem and they have given two options to install it. 

1. Upgrade Windows Vista SP1 to Windows7 Beta 
2. Install a fresh copy of Windows7 

But I could not find a extra computer with the given specification and I did not want to install it in my current computer as this is a beta version and it might not work as I want. So I decide to install it on virtual machine. 

Virtual Machine Setup 
455 RAM  (1 GB is recommended) 
16GB Hard 
After starting the New virtual Machine selected the downloaded ISO image straight away.
Click CD > Select Capture ISO Image > Select the downloaded ISO image from Microsoft Site
 You do not have to burn it to a DVD using a ISO image burner. That's one of the easy thing I found in the installation process. 

Rest went as normal installation and took sometimes beyond whats expected as I did not allocate much RAM. Windows7 performances was pretty good in less RAM. Will update as we experience more Windows7 hacks tricks.
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