Monday, August 24, 2009

Cyber Crime

At the start I have been talking about how good if it is possible to do the things we do in real world in computer world.I think I have missed lot of things plus just discusses it as a fantasy or science fiction.

Copy and paste a nice lady you just saw or a expensive car just passed you would sounds like a miracle but it is not even impossible. Even it is not a direct Copy (CTR+C) and paste (CTR+V) process, clone is not a strange technology or even reverse construct a complex product is not that hard. This is totally different story as if people start to commit crimes in a way they do in the real world.

I am not talking about hacking in to a back system or steal credit card details or doing a DOS attack to stop a web service or deface a home page kind of crimes which is common in internet world. Thats what computer and internet security and forensic teach you how to prevent and find the evidence to catch the criminals. Do you think the cyber crimes going to limit from this point?

Information is key to success as well as way to destruction. Internet is never been like this before. With little help of social hacking you can find all the information a stranger wants to know. At least the information someone really need.

For example it is not hard to get your personal information such as full name, date of birth, favorite colour, movies you like to watch, your pets name, mothers/fathers name where you live or born and so on. How many social networks you have been singed into and how many of those profiles are protected? I am not worried about web server side protecting but making the profile public can expose all your information to anyone. Most of the information I have mentioned above can be seen in secret questions for password reset. Only difference is you get it as a question format for your password to be reset and anyone who has access to your social network profile will know the answers. Don't they?

Not like anything else people specially young generation believe and live in social networks. Provide all most all the possible facts about you and your family. Its all out there in cyber space.

This is just a simple example. Did you ever thought about your Google Account. Pretty much all your emails are with GMail. I am sure these emails contains passwords for other accounts, bank details, images of your identity cards all the conversation with your other contacts. Its all in one place. It is really easy as well as creating a high risk zone. You should protect it just like you protect your documents and identity. All other services you have with Google account, do I really have to mention. This is not to put any service down or scare you from using GMail. But more than services providers fault simple mistake you do can loose all your information or that can go into someone else hand. Can you create a new GMail account and will it be the same email account you had before.

Basic idea is there is a person (image of you) living in the cyber world. That person living in the cyber world reflect all about you and vice versa. Anything happened to your image in cyber world can effect you in the same manner or worst. There is a great chance and easier to do something bad for your cyber image as it is accessible in many ways. Someone who is only close by can touch you but anyone around the world can have access to your online accounts. Only thing they wanna know id username and password.

So far I have been mentioning only about the threat to your information but it can be more than that. Do not forget it is already created the image of you in cyber world and you are bound to it.

Cyber bulling is something we start to hear lately. But thats something we never thought about before. You can argue how can cyber bulling affect you in your real life thats some thing you can ignore and live your life. However, reality is totally different. It is been already took couple lives and effecting younger generation quite badly. One thing is for sure, people start live their lives in internet world and bound to it.

If this is just a start then there can be more worst things can happened. If you like to have a guess or predict what worst things can happen in cyber world is to think of all the worst things that are happening in the society and add the word cyber in front of that word.
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