Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bloging Tips and Tricks: 3 things you should know before you start a Blog

  1. What you going to write?

It is really important to know exactly what you going to write on your blog. You should be familiar with the subject. Also you should have your own experience and should able to continue it for sometimes. Considering that it is always better to choose something related to what you do or what you are good at, because every day you will get a new challenges and new ideas.

I start blogging couple of times and failed because I do not have things to write. I was kind of lost after couple of posts. Then I gave up blogging and after sometimes I thought why I don’t blog problems I solve every day. I am not a professional writer but now I have information to write. To solve day today challenges I get help from blogs, forums and websites. After solving problem always it will become a unique experience.

I am pretty sure at this point at least you will have one subject to start blogging that you are confidence with.

2. What blogging platform you going to use?

Is this important? Yes it is really impotent. How it is going to affect your blog? If you choose one of the best blogging platforms for your blog it will make easy to make your blog a successful blog. Imagine you start your blog on a crappy blogging platform you will not get a good basement for your blog. If it has lot of bugs it can make you hate blogging. Also you cannot trust how long it going to last. All your time and money will be wasted.
If you start your blog in a well recognise platform by default your blog will get a better recognition from search engines. This is really important in long term as well as short term.

Blogger.com and Wordpress.com is pretty good blogging sites that you can find in cyber space. There are lot of other web and softwares you can use as well. As I don’t have much experience about them at this stage I cannot give you a proper idea about them. Blogger.com and Word Press is pretty advanced and trusted website for bloging.

3. What is your main aim of having a blog?

Is it for fun? Is it to make money? Is it to promote your business? Yes you can have fun make bit of money and promote your business or opinion via a blog effectively. Search engines like blogs. All other bloggers visit other blogs and link to your blog if they find something interesting. So your ideas, brand will be go into people easily via a blog.
If it is totally for having fun then you can keep on writing and writing your views, likes and dislikes and you can get others response. Still I don’t think adding Google Adsense will not hurt you much. As your blog become popular you will able to earn bit of money through Adsense or similar Pay Per click advertising and affiliate programs.
Even your intention to make money you always have to attract the audience. Then think about ways you can direct these hits to a income.
And if you are promoting your business do not try to sell products from post one. Bloggers do not find it much interesting. Always talk about your experience and share your knowledge and stories in your blog. That will attract more people to your blog and you can direct them to your main website.

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