Saturday, September 27, 2008

Why I like Flash Games

I am not a big computer game addict. but I found flash games are really cool and crazzy because of couple of reasons.

Flash Games can be found online. So you can start playing flash game on any PC where you can get Internet. It does not have to be a gaming PC. You do not have to download anything big. Games are really simple ( I know there are complicated once as well). They does not require larger memory and processors or video cards or sound cards. You can find many kind of flash games. Racing Games, Sports, Shooting Games, Adventure, Puzzles and you cannot Wittie everything here. More than everything 99% of good Flash Games are free.

So during a small break you can start a Flash Game simply doing a basic google search for "Flash Games" or "Free Flash Games". Table Tennis, Shooting games are my favorites.
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