Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Google Hacks Directory - Simplified

Google hacks is quite famous. It is quite simplest method to find hidden information in cyber space. Google Web cam hack, find mp3, e books, vedios, Torrents, Proxy are few of the common hacks. However, to do this you just have to provide Google bit complicated search string. For example normally you search for "Britney Spears mp3". It will give you many sites with information and places to buy Britney Spears mp3. With a small hack you can find all the Britney Spears mp3 indexes.
That search string is

-inurl:(htmhtmlphp) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(.mp3.wma.ogg) "Britney Spears mp3"

I know that is bit too long to remeber and bit complicated too. One way is to seach Google to find Google hacks and copy this code in a file and next time when you want to search for Akon mp3 change where it says "Britney Spears mp3" to "Akon mp3". Quite simple but it is not simpl enough.

-inurl:(htmhtmlphp) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(.mp3.wma.ogg) "Akon mp3"

Google hacks is small program that will generate the complicates search string for you. It is so simple and small file to be downloaded. Remeber one thing always download it from the original place. You can find this cool application from Google code.

This is what Jason Stallings who create this application tell us about Google hacks.

"Google Hacks is a compilation of carefully crafted Google searches that expose novel functionality from Google's search and map services. For example, you can use it to view a timeline of your search results, view a map, search for music, search for books, and perform many other specific kinds of searches. You can also use this program to use google as a proxy. "

I like the portable version which is less that 2MB and it is cool. Do you like it?
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