Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How to add Google custome search to blogger

Adding the custom Google search in blogger blog is quite easy. Let see how can we display the search result in the main page. That will add extra advantages. 

1. Visitors will not be taken away from your blog
2. Page views will be increased. 
3. If you use it with Google AdSense it will increase your AdSense earnings. 

Lets see how you can add a Custom Google search to your blogger blog and make the search result display on the main page (you can direct to any custom page as well)

First you need to set up the Google Custom search engine for you with AdSense.

1. Go to AdSense Setup  
2. Click AdSense for Search 
3. Select how you would like your custom search engine to work. Personally I have selected only my site as then the search result looks personal and make sense.  And click Continue button.
4. Then choose the Look and feel of the search box and the width depending on where you going to place it .  And click Continue Button.
5.  Then it comes to the search result style.  
     5.1 Select "Open Result with My Own Site" for Opening of search result page. 
     5.2 You can select the Ads location as you wish. 
     5.3 Always Choose the same colours pallet as your blog. 
     And click "Continue" button.
6. Give a name to your custom search and click the button "Submit and get a Code"

Then it will give you two codes. One is "Search Box Code" and other one is "Search Result code".

First Place the Search box code which will display the search box. For that simply go to "Layout" and Select "Page Element" And "Add new Gadget" and under "Basics" Select "HTML/JavaScript" and paste the "search Box Code" . Follow the same this for the "Search Result Code". Make sure you place Search Result Gadget in a area where width is greater than 795. So search result will display properly. 

It will give a cool look to your blog plus it will be really helpful for your visitors as well for searching your archive posts. Do you have any cool ideas around the Google custom search?
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