Monday, January 5, 2009

[Mind Hacks] Learn to Learn

You learn every minute, every second. Still you have lot more to study as world keep on changing. Everyday there will be new theories, concepts, ideas added. It is pretty much impossible to learn everything. But it is possible to learn how to learn which will improve how you learn things and simplified the complicated picture. I will explain couple of method that can be used to improve learning. It is always important to try couple of methods and select the best working method for you.

Mind Mapping  
Mind mapping is one of the best method to get a whole concept/chapter in to one A4 size paper. Start from the middle of the paper (Main Concept) and all the sub categories and information will spread through like a tree. As you summaries the whole thing into one paper you can easily understand the relations between the facts and make it easy to remember. You can make it colourful funky as you want. You can find software to draw mind maps Will lot of information but personally I prefer create my own mind maps on a piece of paper. 

Learning to Read 
There are so many methods to read. Even though you do not know by name you use couple of these methods in different situations. If you can master the reading speed and reading techniques you can improve your learning. Following is the methods you can use and apply it to the appropriate situation.
Hop method
Photo Reading
Card Speed Reading
Zig-Zag Speed Reading
Skim Reading
SQ3R Reading
I am pretty sure beyond the general efficient learning techniques you can build up your own techniques. However, most of the time they are personal always it will not work for someone else. For example study with a back ground music will work on some but others prefer study in a quite environment. It is always good to try couple of such methods and identify they best suite learning environment for you.
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