Monday, March 30, 2009

[Basic] Setup Java Enviroment Variables

Sometimes simplest things can become complicated if you loose your mind. This is the simplest way to add Environment Variable for javac to make it possible to run javac command from any of your folders. If it is not setup you will only able to compile (use javac method) inside the bin folder.

Right Click "My Computer"
Go to "Properties"
Go to "Advanced" tab
Click "Environment Variable" tab
under system variables select "path" variable and click edit button.

It will pop up a small window and only thing you need to do is to add full path to javac.exe file starting with a ; at the end of variable value field.

normally it would be like this 
;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_13\bin\

After updating remember to click on "OK" button and again on "OK"  button to take these new path variable effective.
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