Saturday, April 11, 2009

[Blogger] Few Blogger hacks you would love

During the  long week end thought of doing some changes to the blog. Went through couple of major changes and couple of minor changes. I thought of sharing the links and information regarding the changes.
List of changes done blogger blog

1.Add a logo to the blog

This is a quite simple and straight forward process if you already have a logo. 

*Log in to your blogger account 
*Go to Layout
*Go to Page Element
*Click on the Edit link on the Header
*Choose the logo file by clicking the browse button. 

*Under Placement you will have two option to keep the Title and the Description or Just the picture. If you are adding logo it is always better to use the second option "Instead of title and description.
2.Add a favicon 

Favicon play a major role when it comes to branding your blog. Tips for new blogger gave me a good guide for adding the favicon. 

Make sure you create a 16x16 pixel icon and upload your icon to picasa web  Album and then follow the instructions

3.Divide the blogger header in to two areas.

This is a quite interesting and bit risky part. As you can see you work on the html and css (template). It is always recommend to backup your template before you start splitting your header into two.

How To Split Your Blogs Header Into Two Widgets is a step by step guide explained clearly divide the blogger header into two areas where you can add two widgets by LawnyDesignz. 

4. Divide the side bar into two 

Create A 3 Column Blogger Template With 2 Right Columns from LawnyDesignz will provide you a better guidance and information through out this process. 

As you can see if you looking for great hacks tricks and tweks you can find many from  LawnyDesignz and Tips for new blogger blogs.
Blog Widget by LinkWithin