Saturday, April 18, 2009

Domain Parking and Making Money

#1 What is Domain Parking?

Domain parking is a simple process to redirect unused domain names to a default page hosted by domain registrar. Most of the time the default  page will display relevant advertisements and share the revenue with the domain owner. Domain parking has become a simple and effective way to make money out of your unused domain names.  

#2 Why you should park domains?

Following is the couple of reasons that I can think of why you should park your domains. 

   Bought a new domain and still developing the idea
   Stopped a web service been provided but still there is time to expire the domain.
   Buying large number of domain names as a investment
In any of the above situations you can use the domain parking service and make some money while you sleep.  

#3 Where can you park domains?

Normally most of the domain registrars provide the facility to park domains and they share the revenue with domain owner. Couple of best domain parking services I have been using Google AdSense for Domain and 

#4 Optimize Parked Domains

How can you make more money out of parked domains? Simplest answer is optimize it. However domain parking services have strict rules for optimizing parked domains. Revenue is base on how many clicks on the sponsored links. More visitors more clicks you would get. More clicks more money you would gain. Similar to Google AdSense.

Most of the cases parked domains are not allowed to
       link with other websites to bring traffic
       join in any sort of advertising programs to bring traffic
       give links in mass email outs
       ask other to click on sponsored links

Always traffic need to be coming from natural sources. Best situation you would make good money out of domain parking is when you park a used domain which is getting traffic from various sources. The domain name it self is optimized to bring traffic would generate fare bit of traffic. 

Domain parking service provide option to provide couple of key words related to the domain. The keyword should be selected carefully as it will play major role in converting the visitor to click on a sponsored link. Most of the time visitor who typed the URL is looking for the similar key words and if visitor sees the similar link or related search then chances are high to click on a ad. 

Some provide domain parking templates and choose the best suitable template to suit the keyword and domain name. 

Always think domain parking is there to bring some extra money from unused domains. Do not spend lot of time on making big money out of domain parking. If your domain name itself can bring traffic you will always make good money out of domain parking
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