Monday, April 27, 2009

Uninstall Windows XP Service Pack3 Failed

Installing Windows Service Pack 3 was pretty straight forward and completed sucessfully. However, couple of programs I needed to run did not like Windows XP Service Pack 3 that much. SAP B1 is one of them. I had no option other than to uninstall Windows Service Pack to get things running on. 

Microsoft Website gives out 4 methods to uninstall it in their support document How to remove Windows XP Service Pack 3 from your computer. For some reason first 3 methods did not work for me. It was checking the requirements but when it comes to the uninstalling part it terminate saying files missing. 

I was too lazy to go through the method 4 and install a Windows XP again. Again I was stuck when it comes to the serial number as I have been using it already and had to call up Microsoft and get a new key.  

Not the best method to solve the issue but a easier way to solve it. If you have important data it is always good to back it up before you perform new installation of OS or upgrade or downgrade process. 

I would like to hear how Windows Service Pack 3 is been treating you? 
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