Sunday, May 3, 2009

Google Search right in Gmail

Google and Gmail are part of most the people in front of the computers. Now you can do a Google search from Gmail thanks to new Lab feature. Search result will appear in you Gmail window just like a chat window but bit larger than the chat window.

This is what Gmail official blog says about this new feature.

You can click on a search result and it'll open up in another window (or another tab) so you can make sure it's what you're looking for. Once you're sure it's a result you need, moving your mouse over the result back in Gmail reveals a pull-down menu that lets you do stuff with the search result.

What's in the menu depends on what you're doing in Gmail:
If you're reading a message, you can start a reply to the message with the search result as the first thing in your reply.
If you're writing a message, you can paste the result, or just the URL into your message.
If you're chatting with someone, you can send the result via chat.
You can also always compose a new message to send the search result.
If you have keyboard shortcuts turned on, typing g and then / will take you to the search box when you're not composing, and Ctrl + g will do it when you're composing (that's ⌘ + g for Mac users).

Enjoy this new Gmail Lab feature.

Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Google Search right in Gmail
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