Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Let's make the web faster

Everyone loves when web page loads faster and allows you to works smoothly. Google is one of the top players out there who makes simpler faster web applications.

What Google has learnt about web performances and what are the main challenges.

* Many protocols are created when there wasn't any broad band and interactive web apps.

* Web Browsers should support feature-rich and computationally-complex applications.

* You can always make your application faster using Tools such as YSlow and Page Speed.

* Not many people around the world use broadband.

Untill these challanges are won you can make your simple web application faster by using following tools.

(Tools: Page Speed, AOL Page Test, Cuzillion, Fiddler 2, Firebug, Hammer head, httperf, httpWatch, IBM Page Detailer, JSLint, Microsoft VRTA and many more ...)

Official Google Blog: Let's make the web faster
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