Friday, July 3, 2009

Gmail Labels: drag and drop, hiding, and more

Most of the Gmail user might have experienced the cool message when they sign up to Gmail. Whats it all about?
Gmail have given you full control over the labels (Even with standard labels). You can hide whatever the label you do not use and bring up the labels that you use frequently. Isn't is giving another way to tweak your inbox and manage 100s and 1000s of emails that hit your inbox everyday.

This is what Gmail blog says about this new feature...

1) New location for labels
You'll notice your labels in a new location on the left of your inbox (or on the right, for those of you using the Arabic, Hebrew, or Urdu versions of Gmail). Instead of having their own section, your labels are now above your chat list, grouped together with Inbox, Drafts, Chats and other system labels.

2) Label hiding and showing
You now have control over which of your labels show. We've done our best to get you started by automatically showing the labels you use most and hiding the rest. Label hiding is my favorite new feature, since it saves me from having to look through labels I rarely use. If I ever need to reach any of my old labels, I just click the "more" link.
3) Drag and drop
You can now drag messages into labels, just like you can with folders. This does the exact same thing as "Move to" -- it labels and archives in one step.

Official Gmail Blog: Labels: drag and drop, hiding, and more
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