Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Search Twitter killing Twitter

Twitter is one of a the popular sites you can find today. Everyone talk about twitter and have a twitter account. Even big players like Google Microsoft use twitter account. Twitter is started as micro blogging that allows only 140 characters and follow people you want and people who find you interesting can follow you. Simple idea but it worked for many people out there to promote their business ideas products over the internet. Introducing Search Twitter turn this simple idea bit complex.
Why is search Twitter page killing Twitter? Twitter is already targeted by spammers. We cannot blame Twitter because spammers pretty much use all the communication methods possible. However, it was quite limited as only the people who follows you can see your tweets and if they find you spamming or not interesting they can stop following you.
Search Twitter add more room for spammers to find out what people are tweet about. You know if you include that keyword BANG so many people would click on your link. Thanks to tinny url and etc you can hide the original URL. You have no clue what your are clicking on or where it is going to take you. On the other hand thats a pretty good way to bring more people to your website or blog. However, it is pretty hard to filter the spammers. Even you can direct people (without any condition) to adult only content website without any problem. Yes it is happening.

That is one reason why Google is not showing real time result on what people are searching on Google. That will directly force you to spam as you know what people are searching right now. Everyone likes couple of extra clicks on your web sites.

As long as you use it as a good tool to generate traffic using relevant content it wont be a problem. I alway use this method to get traffic. But I cannot find may interesting links base on those key words. Can you?

It is always good to make it hard. It gives more important and good value when you earn it. Just like the Google Page Rank. Having Couple of thousands followers would be Gold. But with Twitter Search without making many followers you can get hits to your link.

What do you think is it good or bad?
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