Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Google Latest Treds but no birth day celibrations

Google has announced the Google latest hot search trends for US and Japan in their official blog. However, Google trends was there for some times. This time Google did not celebrate their 11th birth day except for giving out another doodle.

Google released more that 150 000 Project 10^100 ideas for voting. Project 10^100 started on its 10th birthday.

So you can decide how you going to celebrate Google 11th birthday.

1) Vote now and May those who help the most win. Project 10^100 is a call for ideas to change the world by helping as many people as possible.
2) Enjoy the Google HOT trends with Google
3) Enjoy the double LL Google logo.

Anyway Happy Birth Day Google and thanks for bringing all the good stuff in style.

Official Google Blog: Keep up with the latest trends using Google Search
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