Tuesday, September 8, 2009

How to find the Internet Hot Trends

Are you curious what is rest of the world is searching? or talking about? Yes you can find out what other people are looking for and the internet HOT trends. It is quite useful if you are addicted to news or if you maintain a blog or website.

Twitter is one of the first site that will come to your mind. Yes. thats one of the sites that gives out real time hot trends using the tweets. If you have looked into the results you might have noticed that three four words or search phrase out of ten does not have a proper meaning. It is either something twitter s made up or just a word phrase commonly used.
Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase
Google has recently start giving out some hot trends for given days. It is quite interesting to see what people are searching. Not like twitter you can go to back dates and see what are theUNSPECIFIED - OCTOBER 10:  In this photo illus...hot trends for pass days. It is quite good if you are doing research on some website or online topic or a current situation. Google today's hot trend is the one that close to real time update which can be used to bring more search engine traffic to your blog or website.

Now you know what people are looking
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