Network Security
1. Change Password 'passwd root' - for knoppix 'passwd knoppix'
2. Stop LAS Type 'halt' take out the CD-ROM, and press 'RETURN'
3. Set up IP 'Net Card Config' program. Apps -> Net -> Net Config menu selection
4. Get IP machine details /sbin/ifconfig
ifconfig eth0 down
ifconfig eth0 up
5. macchanger eth0
6. Connect USB
mkdir /mnt/flash
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/flash
umount /mnt/flash
7. Change User su knoppix
8. port mapping 'nmap -P0
or Nmapfe
9. scp USERNAME@ /etc/init.d/rc.firewall
10. Restart Firewall /etc/init.d/rc.firewall restart
11. Iptables
12. setting: -rwsr--r--. The SUID Root bit (s) means a normal user running the program will have root privileges while that command is executed
13. su – knoppix su root
14. touch /tmp/access-control-tes
15. /etc/group /etc/passwd /etc/shadow
man -S5 passwd
16. Groups
17. chmod', 'chown', 'chgrp
18. Apps -> Net -> Monkey Web Server -> monkey start
19. john /etc/shadow
21. Apps -> Net -> Monkey Web Server -> monkey start
22. apropos crypt'. What other cryptographic services
23. md5sum /tmp/crypt.3.g
24. Check Running Processors ps –uroot
25. Stop Process kill PID
26. ssh -l knoppix
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
27. start ssh-agent by typing 'ssh-agent bash
exit the shell created by ssh-agent
28. route add -net netmask dev lo
29. route
30. traceroute
31. ping
32. nmap
33. telnet
34. arping
35. honeyd
36. Start the 'Ethereal' packet capturing 'ethereal &' in a terminal or from the menu 'Apps -> l.a.s.
37. 'Capture->Start', use the 'lo' interface and start capturing network traffic within your own machine
38. Intrusion detection
start 'snort, a network-based intrusion detection snort -A full -c /etc/snort/snort.conf
39. /var/log/syslog' and '/var/log/messages
40. Chkrootkit
41. Ettercap
42. Vulnerability analysis nessusd start the Nessus client: 'nessus &'
43. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
ssh username@
ssh knoppix@ -L 10000:localhost:80 sleep 99999
44. nc -v localhost 10000
45. localhost [] 10000 (?) open