Sunday, October 25, 2009

Network Security - Useful Linux Command

Here is couple of really useful commands that will help you analyzing the your network security. Can be useful in checking the vulnerabilities of your network computers.

Network Security
1. Change Password 'passwd root' - for knoppix 'passwd knoppix'

2. Stop LAS Type 'halt' take out the CD-ROM, and press 'RETURN'

3. Set up IP 'Net Card Config' program. Apps -> Net -> Net Config menu selection

4. Get IP machine details /sbin/ifconfig

ifconfig eth0 down
ifconfig eth0 up
5. macchanger eth0

6. Connect USB
mkdir /mnt/flash
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/flash
umount /mnt/flash

7. Change User su knoppix

8. port mapping 'nmap -P0
or Nmapfe

9. scp USERNAME@ /etc/init.d/rc.firewall

10. Restart Firewall /etc/init.d/rc.firewall restart

11. Iptables

12. setting: -rwsr--r--. The SUID Root bit (s) means a normal user running the program will have root privileges while that command is executed

13. su – knoppix su root

14. touch /tmp/access-control-tes

15. /etc/group /etc/passwd /etc/shadow
man -S5 passwd

16. Groups

17. chmod', 'chown', 'chgrp

18. Apps -> Net -> Monkey Web Server -> monkey start

19. john /etc/shadow


21. Apps -> Net -> Monkey Web Server -> monkey start

22. apropos crypt'. What other cryptographic services

23. md5sum /tmp/crypt.3.g

24. Check Running Processors ps –uroot

25. Stop Process kill PID

26. ssh -l knoppix
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048

27. start ssh-agent by typing 'ssh-agent bash
exit the shell created by ssh-agent

28. route add -net netmask dev lo

29. route

30. traceroute

31. ping

32. nmap

33. telnet

34. arping

35. honeyd

36. Start the 'Ethereal' packet capturing 'ethereal &' in a terminal or from the menu 'Apps -> l.a.s.

37. 'Capture->Start', use the 'lo' interface and start capturing network traffic within your own machine

38. Intrusion detection
start 'snort, a network-based intrusion detection snort -A full -c /etc/snort/snort.conf

39. /var/log/syslog' and '/var/log/messages

40. Chkrootkit

41. Ettercap

42. Vulnerability analysis nessusd start the Nessus client: 'nessus &'

43. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
ssh username@ -L local-port:destination-host:destination-port
ssh knoppix@ -L 10000:localhost:80 sleep 99999

44. nc -v localhost 10000

45. localhost [] 10000 (?) open

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