Steps to download office 2010 for free
1. Go to Microsoft Office 2010 Technology Guarantee
2. If you think you are eligible click upgrade button
3. Enter the basic questions asked about your office 2007
How to find the Product ID?
Your are required to provide the Product ID before you go to next step. You can find the product ID by opening office 2007 product ( word, Excel or anything )
click on the Windows Button ( top right hand coner )
click on Word options
Go to Resources
Click on about button
you should be able to get the office 2007 product ID
4. When you submit and if everything seems ok, you have to log into your live account to download the latest version of office for free. You have option to order DVD for small amount.
Now it start downloading the 585.6MB installation file and it takes sometimes... and soon as its installed I would like to bring some hacks tricks and how to stuff for office 2010.