Let's look into something totally different from computer hacks tricks and tweaks. How I really lost 17Kgs (37 Pounds) in one month. Yes I did it and best part is I did not do any liposuctions, fancy medical treatment, use any weight lose pills nor did not waste my time doing crazy work outs. jump in if you like to know my secret.
This is going to be a long story but I will start a different blog for that but I will cover the basics of it here that will give you an idea. You can contact me and I like to help you if you really like to know more about this.
Who is the enemy?
Salt, Sugar and artificial products are the worst when it comes to your health. They basically help you to gain weight in a unhealthy manner. First step is to get ride of the products that contains either salt, sugar or any artificial elements.
Bad news is that 90% of the product you get in the super market contains one of these elements, even though they claim to be fat free, sugar free or any healthy slogans.
If you seriously want to loose weight then you have to eat and drink products that dose not contains sugar, salt or any artificial stuff. Basically you need to avoid processed food.
Then what you can eat.
Simple go for any natural food you can find around. Fresh and seasonal vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains and water. Believe me if you eat them regularly and variety of them you will get all the nutritions you required.
Isn't that great!!
Yes it is. Amazingly if you really want to loose weight in one month just like me you need to stop having dairy and meat as well. Yes. basically the animal products. It is amazing the amount of energy you get without using any of animal products.
It seems like it only added unhealthy stuff to my life. As soon as I gave up all the animal products and processes food from my life things turn out to be better.
If you think that you need to eat animal products to get all the nutritional your body need, I think it is a myth. I did couple of full check ups and it turn out to be perfect and healthy.
Then you need to add 20 minute exercise to your life. Walking or running will do the job. So, you don't have to waster hours and hours for work outs.
If you like to know more about this you can always leave a comment or contact me directly.