Thursday, November 11, 2010

Kinect Hack Revealed [Video]

Price money to build a open source driver for Kinect has increased to $2000. Hackers are working on it not just because of the price money but the possibilities with the device.
Microsoft says that it is hard to jailbreak or tamper Kinect. However, it is just a matter of time. Recently released video is a prime example and it is so closed.

Some of the great thoughts about Kinect ....

[Diego Spinola] Can’t wait to see the 3d scanners that are going to be made with it!

[chango]Next step is to turn that height field into a mesh and map the color camera onto it. Then it will be obvious what’s going on here.

[starlino] Stereo Vision can be implemented easily with 2 cheap usb camera and opencv (as explained for example here, the fact that Kinect has the infrared and probably hardware processing is a great plus which is a bonus for many robotics applications.I will not be surprised if Microsoft releases a driver for their Robotics Studio soon…

Many more can be found at
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