Tuesday, November 30, 2010

JailBreak Windows Phone 7

Last month I have mentioned that Chris Walsh been experimenting with the Windows Mobile Phone 7 for possible jailbreak. He has came up with the first WP7 jail break tool. ChevronWP7 allow a WP7 handset owner to side load applications that aren’t allowed in the Marketplace due to the use of private APIs.

In his words

“Basically what you needed to do was pay Microsoft $99 (USD) or $150(AUD) to gain “access” to the device you paid for, so you are able to deploy applications you have created.So what we created was ChevronWP7. An application that runs on your desktop and unlocks your phone. Head over to the website for more information.”

Microsoft has already warned its WP7 users not to go for jailbreak solution as it might add some risk to the device.

"Attempting to unlock a device could void the warranty, disable phone functionality, interrupt access to Windows Phone 7 services or render the phone permanently unusable."

Since Microsoft has taken the route that Apple has done with Windows Phone 7 and only allowing approved apps from Windows Phone Marketplace to be installed on Windows Phone 7 devices, the jailbreak would allow for any solutions to be installable on Windows Phone 7 without having to go through Marketplace.

You can download and try the Windows Mobile 7 jail break tool at your own risk

Download Links


For more help visit http://www.chevronwp7.com/
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