Friday, April 15, 2011

404 Custom Error Page

Webmasters always focus on developing the main website and forget about scenarios such as what would happen when a user try to visit a page which is not there. 404 Custom Error Pages will come in o action. Believe it or not it can do a real difference to you website.

Why 404 Custom error page?

By default it will display a boring page that will only notify your visitors that they have reached to a dead end.

However, you need to make it more effective and use that page to make your valuable visitors to live pages. There for you can always create a simple HTML page saying that "Sorry! the page you were looking for could not be found." and then give a search option, or simple direct links to your product and services page. Yes, it is not rocket science but most of the webmasters forget that.

Here are some funky but helpful links that you can learn more about 404 Custom Error Pages.

How to Set Up A Custom 404 File Not Found Page - Gives you and inside out of the technical points of setting up a custom error page. First thin is to log in to your web hosting account control panel and check there is a option to setup the error page. It can be different from web hosting company to company. However, if you are running a dedicated server without a server managing software then you might have to do it manually.

Here are 50 creative 404 custom error page for your reference. These pages can be funny and funky but make sure you will direct your visitors back to your live web pages.

Do you missing a effective custom error page. Create one now and do not loose your valuable visitors.
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