Thursday, April 21, 2011

All You Need to Know Who's Tapping your Cell Phone

Since the advent of the latest technology, there have been weird devices that have
been in produced. One such device is the phone tapping device which was used to
eavesdrop the conversations that happen over somebody’s phone. This can be employed
for both productive and destructive purposes. They can sometimes be used as an
evidence in the court for criminal cases and sometimes to spy on someone and plot
against them. Though there are utile reasons for employing the phone tapping devices, it
is mostly used for the evil purposes these days.

After the telephone tapping, it is now the turn of the cell phone tapping that is
doing the rounds these days. While the former one required quite a few separate phone
tapping devices, to snoop into somebody’s cell phone call is a lot more easier; thanks to
the latest cell phone tapping devices and software. It is therefore important for one to
know how to detect the cell phone tap. Here’s how you do it.

Detection of cell phone taps

When you have to charge your sell phone every now and then with the battery in the working condition, you can be suspicious about your cell phone being tapped. The extra picking of your conversations through the microphone can drain the phone off the charge. If there are continuous sounds of clicking and scratching while you are on a cell phonic conversation, you may doubt being overheard. A buzzing sound may also be heard when it is being tapped. The volume of the phone may also be affected

when it is being tapped.
If the phone feels warm even after you leave it unused for a while, you can be sure that your phone is being tapped.
When your phone is being tapped it is possible that the flash of the phone is on without anybody touching it. This happens especially when the spy call is made using certain tapping software. It happens only for a split second and not in all the
cell phones though.

It is also possible that you hear some strange noise from the cell phone even while you are not using it. This implies somebody is employing secret listening devices to listen to the conversation around the phone.

Prevention of cell phone tapping

One of the best methods is to remove the battery once your conversation is over. This stops the transmission of the conversations. Tapping can also be prevented by using the telephone scrambler to your cell
phone. Make sure your Bluetooth connectivity is turned off. A cell phone signal jammer can also do the needful for the prevention of cellphone tapping.
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