Sunday, September 23, 2012

How to design a great twitter back ground

Most of the twitter users do not use a cool customized twitter background. If you use twitter to promote your business this will add a big advantage. Creating a great twitter background is easy. You can do it by yourself using photoshop (Or any other graphic tool).

1. First create a larger background image (size 2560px x 1600px). This will work on any sized monitor. However, you cannot use the whole image for your background content. If you want you can make a design in this area.

2. Then create small image with images and information that can be used to promote your business.
(Size 235px x 700px)

Ideal information and images you should add to twitter background 
  • Company Logo 
  • Website URL 
  • QR Code (with url or business card info)
  • Tag line 
  • Any attractive image relevant to your business or background. 
3. Place the small image in the top left hand corner of the big image and save it as PNG and upload it to twitter. 

twitter background
It will look more professional and able to promote your business

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