Wednesday, July 2, 2008

How to Hack Windows XP or Hack Windows Vista

First of all I must say this is not a good topic to talk about. However, sometimes hack into your Windows XP or Windows Vista account is unavoidable. One of my friend gave a laptop that is password protected and no one remember the password. Only option left is to hack windows vista account. I do not want to format and install windows XP.

I am not a hacker. So how do I retrieve the windows Vista Password? There are couples of things you can try on widows XP.

Boot the machine in safemood and try to log in to Windows XP Administrator account. Most of the time user will forget to enter an Administrator password in the time of installing Windows XP.

Vista has avoided this mistake by disabling the Administrator account by default. You just have to log in to user account which has Administrator privileges to enable Computer Administrator account and type this command in the command prompt. Or open the Command prompt as Administrator (This can be done by right click on the cmd shortcut and select “Run As Administrator”

Net user administrator mypassword
Net user administrator /active:yes

Without knowing any of the passwords to the Windows user accounts this will not work. I tried to boot the machine using boot up CD to command prompt and enable windows vista administrator account. But it failed.

There are couple of methods to decrypt the SAM file which is been used to store the windows passwords. But I have not able to do this successfully.

Windows Vista you need to create a password recovery CD or USB in any case you forgot your password. Unfortunately recovery CD or the USB has not been created for this machine.

The method that worked for me to crack windows vista password is to boot up the machine in another operating system like SLAX. Then run a brute force attack on the user accounts. You don’t need to know much about programming and hacking to do this. There are many programs out in the web you can download and burn it to a CD and use it. I will talk more about Brute force programs that can be used to crack Windows Vista or Windows XP password in my later posts.

You should not use these programs to hack in to people computers. But it will be really useful if you forgot your Windows XP or Windows Vista Password. If someone change your Windows password.
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