Friday, December 26, 2008

[Slax] Solve mounting USB hard drive

In previous posts I have mentioned the importance of Slax (LiveCD version of Linux) in situations when Windows crashed. You can easily retrieve your important files before your reinstall Windows.

When Slax auto detect External hard drives but it permission defaulted to read only. Slax will not allow you to change the file permission. You will not be able to copy important files to the external hard drive.

Following steps will fix the permission problem.

Open Slax Konsole (Terminal Control) - This is like the Windows command prompt
Type the following commands in

umount /mnt/sdc1
mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1 /mnt/sdc1 -o force

sometimes sdc1 might have to be changed to sdb1 sda1 depends on how Slax assigned your external hard drive.

Now you should be able to copy, rename, delete files from your external hard drive.
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