Monday, November 24, 2008

Computer and Internet Forensic for your life

Computer and Internet Forensic is investigation of computer and internet related crimes. Good definition for computer forensic can be found in Wikipedia. You might be thinking why should you have a knowledge about computer forensic as you are not going to investigate crimes. Of course you are not. But most of the methods, techniques and tools used in computer forensic can be really useful in data recovery. Specially if your operating system crash and you want to retrieve your important data out of your computer. 

In one of the old post about I explained how to access your files in a situation that your OS is not working properly. This can happened due to change you made to OS related file or virus attack or hardware problem. If it is not serious hardware problem (power supply or mother board ) you can easily recover the files using Linux liveware such as SLAX. You can find free such liveware specially deign for forensic purposes. Helix is such free liveware comes with lots of forensic tools. You can run Helix on Windows or Mac environment as a normal program directly from CD as well you can boot up and it will run Linux base OS directly from the CD

One of the most important concept of Computer and Internet forensic is should not take any action with out knowing the result. If you are note sure what you are doing or if you are not specially trained or have proper authorisation to do it you must not do it. Because such single act may change the evidence your looking for and and it will not be valid any more. You do not have that strict environment in your day to day life. But information you trying to retrieve is quite important you should not experiment with it. If any of your experiments can make it impossible or harder and expensive to retrieve that data. 

In future posts I will go through these forensic tools and will explain how you can use them to overcome problems related to computer and internet

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