Saturday, April 25, 2009

PC Vs MAC - What is the best?

This is nothing new but in the computer world you always have arguments ad campaigns from both Microsoft and Apple regarding this issue. First thing I do not understand is that is it a competition between Microsoft and Apple or PC and MAC. Even though it is called PC vs MAC it is more appropriate to call it as Microsoft Vs Apple. It is a competition with the two big brands and if you call it PC that does not mean it is only Microsoft.

What is the best? Microsoft or Apple? PC or MAC?

Windows is the best! NO Mac OS is much better than Windows! PC with Windows is cool and cheap! I am PC! I am MAC! Life without walls! MAC Vs PC!

This is just some of the things you hear every day. I like to work with a PC with Windows OS.
Why? MAC is much better than Windows and MAC has cute designs. It is always good for Microsoft and Apple to compare their products and increase the popularity.

When it comes to individuals it is just a matter of affordability, usability and your personal opinion. More than anything else for me it really matters how well I can operate, troubleshoot, customize and how well it suite for the requirements that changes every day. At the end of the day you will get what you have paid.

Whats is your preference? MAC or PC? MAC OS, Windows or anything else? I would like to hear your opinion.

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