Friday, May 22, 2009

[Gmail] Preview whats In your Inbox

GMail added a simple but still cool lab feature that will display the top 10 emails in your inbox while Gmail loads the complete inbox. That can save you time if you are trying to check emails from a slow connection. 

This is what Gmail blog says about this new Gmail Lab member. 

No big deal, really. But now imagine that you access Gmail on a super slow connection from a remote place in Ethiopia where it might take minutes to completely load your inbox. The disappointment is larger when you find out that there is nothing new to read and you could have saved all that time.

To ease this pain a bit, we created a new feature in Gmail Labs called Inbox Preview. While Gmail is loading, a simple, static preview of your inbox with your ten most recent messages is displayed. Turn it on from the Labs tab under Settings, and if you're on a slow connection you'll know from the start if it's worth the wait.

Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Inbox preview
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