Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Must use 3 keyword tools

Knowing the best keywords to be used in your website is one of the major plus point in search engine optimisation (SEO). Selecting a best trustworthy keyword tool is important. If your keyword tool provide wrong or out of date information about the keywords your website might suffer a lot. It will be a waste of time and money. 

Google is the biggest player in search engine game and the information given out can be trusted as well. These 3 keyword tools are provided by Google. These three keyword tools cover different areas and can be used in different situations. 

        # Category search - Over 23 Categories and you can figure out what are the most searched key words for a category such as Computers & Electronics, Entertainment, etc. This might be really useful if you are planning to start a blog. 

        # Seasonality - You can check which key words are been searched most during a given period of time. For example you can check what are the best keywords to be used during Christmas.

        # Geographic distributions - If you are interested in knowing what are the best keywords to be used in your country you can look into that as well. 

        # Properties - Classic example for this is New York Christmas shopping, 2008. This query will return what New York people searched during the 2008 Christmas time. 

#2 Search-Based Keyword tool

This is a simple keyword tool that will help you to analyse the keywords that suits for your website or blog for the AdWords. However, that will give you a general idea about how those keywords can perform and the composition for that key word.

When you enter the website and the keywords you would like to optimise your site for search-based keyword tool will pick up the keywords related to your blog and keywords related your word or phrase. In addition it will show the monthly searches, composition and suggested bid if you are interested in AdWords campaigns.

This is one of the famous, old keyword tool among webmasters and blogmasters. Even though it is targeted on the AdWords you can always use it to have a general idea about the keyword popularity and the composition.

Out of these three my favorite keyword tool is Google insights for search. It is quite flexible and full options and pretty much cover every possible view you would like to know.  

Other keywords tools 

Google Trends for Websites Pretty basic but You can check what keywords mostly worked for a given website.
Google Trends in general you can see the trend for a given keyword or keyword collection.

What is your favorite keyword tool? Are you using any other keyword tool that really works and can be trusted? Share it with us in the comments.

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