Thursday, June 4, 2009

Square your search results with Google Squared

Google always gives you a better search result and they are always work around to make it better. This is another dimension that you can think of giving out search result. Square your search result basically will try to identify the possible categories base on your search term and display most common factors of those categories. They the simple example for the search tern car in Google and then in Google square and see the difference. 

In Google it will provide you all the best links that Google can find in its index to you. But in Google Square it is display base on brands. Quite useful when you do quick research. You can always add more columns as you required.
Google is not the first search engine to come up with this sort of research friendly search result but always Google had followed the simple and efficiant way.

What do you think of Google square?

Official Google Blog: Square your search results with Google Squared
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