Friday, July 17, 2009

Hiding PIN at ATM's

Not really a hack, but surely a trick. There has been a recent spate of fradulent withdrawl transactions from bank accounts. It can all be attributed to use of ATM's for our so called convenience in this fast moving world.

How do these fraudsters get your card and pin details?

Mini cams can be set up on the ATM ( mostly stand alone ATM's that are not in a bank branch), mainly directly above the keypad. These cams record every activity a user does at the ATM.

So, firstly as the user inserts the ATM card into the machine, since it is facing up, cam is able to snap all the details on the card, such as card numbers, name, expiry, etc.

Then when prompted, user enters their PIN, since camera is directly above the keypad, it records the user entering the PIN.

And Viola, the fraudster now has the card details and the PIN on the account.

Now for the trick part:

Very simple,

1. When using any ATM, always cover your card details with your hand till you have inserted it in the machine.

2. Cover the keypad with your wallet or other hand, when you key in the PIN. PIN can only be retrived by fraudster when they see you keying it in, so if you cover you keypad, there's no way to record it.

Fraudster may use other ways of fetching your card details, but so long as they can't record your pin, the card details are useless.

Hope this helps.
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