Friday, July 17, 2009

Where Google heading?

Google is one of the biggest players in Internet business. No doubt about it. Google Search is their first and strongest product. Google AdWord, Google AdSence and GMail are their other killing online services they provide. Recently they announced that they will move to Operating System war with Microsoft and Apple as well. Google has already done couple of attempts with Google Android and Google Chrome to extend their territory. Are they really a success? Also, having too many beta versions and umcomplete (Google labs) projects in their list and keep on adding more to it dose not sound safe all the time. That raise some questions; whats is behind all this projects? Is Google blindly trying all the possibilities or a all these are small steps for achieving a BIG goal?

I think all these Google lab experiments are heading towards a big goal where they will have a options for any computer or internet user relating to any product what user request. Google has done a pretty good job so far related to improve their client base while improving the quality of their products ans services.

Changing the way people use computers and internet is not going to happened in one day and people do not want that in one day as well. Where Google has changed many thing in internet which were almost impossible at that time.

You are always welcome to join this argument and share your ideas about where Google is heading?
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