Day by day information you store under one username and password is increasing. Most probably that is the Google account. Your email to the credit card details medical details and anything that you can think of. So what will happen if you lost it or someone has stolen it?
Gmail blog has come up with some really important points regarding your password. It is not only talking about how to make a smart password but how to use it smart as well.
Google account is secure but can you trust the other web sites. Using the same username and password every where will ruin your smart password. It can leak from someone else. This is only one single point but there is a list of them.
Problem 1: Re-using passwords across websites
Solution 1: Use unique passwords
Problem 2: Using common passwords or words found in the dictionary
Solution 2: Use a password with a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols
Problem 3: Using passwords based on personal data
Solution 3: Create a password that's hard for others to guess
Problem 4: Writing down your password and storing it in an unsecured place
Solution 4: Keep your password reminders in a secret place that isn't easily visible
Problem 5: Recalling your password
Solution 5: Make sure your password recovery options are up-to-date and secure
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Official Gmail Blog: Choosing a smart password