What is 44tips?
44tips helps you Create a start page with everything you love!
Import your photos, videos, music, bookmarks and more
Bring all your online accounts together in one place: simple and organized!
View your favorite websites in one place
Read, view, listen and play! Easy access to all your favorite sources, like YouTube, Flickr, LastFM and Delicious.
Discover similar content
Find new content everyday with our suggestions of sites, videos, music and photos similar to what you already love: convenient and surprising.
Collect everything you like
Save the content you find and build collections of your favorite videos, music, photos and bookmarks. Or create your own multimedial presentation!
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Send your favorite content to your friends. Give them tips about new music or videos and show them what makes you tick!
Keep up with your social networks
If you are using many different social networks, such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Hyves, it’s easy to get lost. How to keep up with all those networks? How much time does it cost you to check for messages and updates?
Why don't you give 44tips a try and see how you can organize your favorite sites.