Wednesday, March 25, 2009

[Blogging] How to build a better blog in 31 days

I will not tell you how to build a better blog in 31 days. Because I am not the right person to do it. But Problogger will tell you how to build a better blog in 31 days straiting from April first. As you will see it is not a April fool thing. 

If you are interested in blogging and want to learn about blogging this might be a good opportunity. Darren has done similar post series in Problogger and it is quite interesting to follow them and apply it to blogging. 

This time he is bit serious and want us to register and make sure we will not miss any of his post. Only commitment would be to receive 31 emails in your mail box. It is 100% free.  If you haven't join Problogger yet this might be a better time to do so. Only if you want to make your blog better.
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