Thursday, April 28, 2011

How do the hackers hack credit card online?

Credit card hacking has now become a latest security threat for the credit card customers facing troubles with the transaction issues with the raise in the proportion of duplicity being increased over time. Banning credit card number hacking is made vital with importance to hacking issues. Protective safety system is to work on safeguarding the system security terms to keep up protection on user’s credit card info.

Method of hacker actions

Credit card hackers implement many techniques to make their moves to hack credit card information. The most common among the hacking techniques or hack tutorials includes the Phishing method, where the hacker acts like an officer in the organization collecting the credit card info. The hacker sends email alerts reading instructions for account holders to follow that fetches the credit card info calling for a threat of card getting cancelled. People who are not aware of this sort of fraudulence following the instructions getting struck up with the credit card hackers.

Other method of hacking includes the hacking via website, when the hacker gets hold of the account user’s info form the system it becomes easy to get access to the credit cards over time. The hacker search for data on the database from retailer stores that restores info on the users accessed in the near future transaction.

The next way credit card information gets hacked is via online process of purchasing. As some sites are more attractive that calls for a registration or identification details of your credit card that permits to enter you for access on purchase of products.

With the help of more sophisticated technology improvement one can focus more on how to hack credit card online easily. A carder can be the one to steal off info on the users while performing a face to face transaction obtaining the needful info on special scanners. The device is specific to read magnetic strip of credit cards that traces the info from the blank card from several identity cars stores.

Credit card Security

Secret services and FBI has brought in some special instructional statements to be followed to keep up security over credit card hacking. Disabling SQL stored procedure calls and cutting down access to external anonymous URL is appreciable. Locking the account on the mainframes after login attempts is important. Firewall helps in blocking the internet and intranet access for database systems supporting in securing data present in the computers, restricting the external access to your system attempted by the password hacker.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

All You Need to Know Who's Tapping your Cell Phone

Since the advent of the latest technology, there have been weird devices that have
been in produced. One such device is the phone tapping device which was used to
eavesdrop the conversations that happen over somebody’s phone. This can be employed
for both productive and destructive purposes. They can sometimes be used as an
evidence in the court for criminal cases and sometimes to spy on someone and plot
against them. Though there are utile reasons for employing the phone tapping devices, it
is mostly used for the evil purposes these days.

After the telephone tapping, it is now the turn of the cell phone tapping that is
doing the rounds these days. While the former one required quite a few separate phone
tapping devices, to snoop into somebody’s cell phone call is a lot more easier; thanks to
the latest cell phone tapping devices and software. It is therefore important for one to
know how to detect the cell phone tap. Here’s how you do it.

Detection of cell phone taps

When you have to charge your sell phone every now and then with the battery in the working condition, you can be suspicious about your cell phone being tapped. The extra picking of your conversations through the microphone can drain the phone off the charge. If there are continuous sounds of clicking and scratching while you are on a cell phonic conversation, you may doubt being overheard. A buzzing sound may also be heard when it is being tapped. The volume of the phone may also be affected

when it is being tapped.
If the phone feels warm even after you leave it unused for a while, you can be sure that your phone is being tapped.
When your phone is being tapped it is possible that the flash of the phone is on without anybody touching it. This happens especially when the spy call is made using certain tapping software. It happens only for a split second and not in all the
cell phones though.

It is also possible that you hear some strange noise from the cell phone even while you are not using it. This implies somebody is employing secret listening devices to listen to the conversation around the phone.

Prevention of cell phone tapping

One of the best methods is to remove the battery once your conversation is over. This stops the transmission of the conversations. Tapping can also be prevented by using the telephone scrambler to your cell
phone. Make sure your Bluetooth connectivity is turned off. A cell phone signal jammer can also do the needful for the prevention of cellphone tapping.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Undo certain Gmail actions in your mobile browser - Official Gmail Blog

Sometimes when you are using Gmail on your smart phone, you might delete a message by mistake or label it incorrectly. Special with touch options there is a great possibility to touch the wrong button :). Sure you can fish the message out of your Trash or remove the label and apply the correct one, but that takes several steps. Even just a few seconds is usually enough time to catch those annoying mistakes.

Now when you use the Gmail mobile web app, you’ll have a small window of opportunity to undo four key actions: archive, delete, add or remove a label, or move a message/conversation.

When you take one of these actions, Gmail displays a yellow bar that recaps what you just did and allows you to undo it:

Undo certain Gmail actions in your mobile browser - Official Gmail Blog

Friday, April 15, 2011

404 Custom Error Page

Webmasters always focus on developing the main website and forget about scenarios such as what would happen when a user try to visit a page which is not there. 404 Custom Error Pages will come in o action. Believe it or not it can do a real difference to you website.

Why 404 Custom error page?

By default it will display a boring page that will only notify your visitors that they have reached to a dead end.

However, you need to make it more effective and use that page to make your valuable visitors to live pages. There for you can always create a simple HTML page saying that "Sorry! the page you were looking for could not be found." and then give a search option, or simple direct links to your product and services page. Yes, it is not rocket science but most of the webmasters forget that.

Here are some funky but helpful links that you can learn more about 404 Custom Error Pages.

How to Set Up A Custom 404 File Not Found Page - Gives you and inside out of the technical points of setting up a custom error page. First thin is to log in to your web hosting account control panel and check there is a option to setup the error page. It can be different from web hosting company to company. However, if you are running a dedicated server without a server managing software then you might have to do it manually.

Here are 50 creative 404 custom error page for your reference. These pages can be funny and funky but make sure you will direct your visitors back to your live web pages.

Do you missing a effective custom error page. Create one now and do not loose your valuable visitors.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Advantages of a Blackberry over the iPhone

The Apple iPhone has grown by leaps and bounds in popularity since its introduction in 2007. Over the last three years, with its innovative touchscreen design, it has significantly cut into Blackberry's market share in the smartphone market. Nevertheless, there are still things that Blackberry simply does better. Here are a number of substantial advantages the Blackberry has over the iPhone.


The iPhone comes basically in only one model and one form factor. Blackberry on the other hand offers a number of choices to address the different needs of its users. For example, there is the pure touchscreen Blackberry Storm. There is also the Torch which combines a touch screen and slide-out keyboard. Other offerings include a flip-style smartphone and the traditional full keyboard Blackberry design with color display. With all of these choices, you can select the right smartphone and the right price point for your wallet.


There is simply one thing Blackberry does better than any other smartphone, and that is messaging. You can easily and quickly send messages to your contacts using Blackberry Messenger. Not only that, the messages are secured from prying eyes via Blackberry’s Edge network, making it ideal for businesses and government users who need to transmit sensitive information. Blackberry Messenger also supports push messaging to your phone, and a Blackberry smartphone has an LED on the top that quickly informs you when you have messages.


Nearly all Blackberry models have a full qwerty keyboard to allow you to type your messages quickly and with minimal errors. For most users, the tactile feel of the Blackberry physical keyboard are preferred over a virtual touchscreen keyboard like that of the iPhone. There was actually a study performed to compare accuracy of the touchscreen versus the push-button keyboard, and the error rate of the touchscreen was significantly higher.


The Blackberry operating system has true multi-tasking allowing you to run multiple applications and switch quickly between the them. The implementation of multi-tasking on the iPhone really is a kludge. On the iPhone, in most cases, the application state is saved, but the application is not running in the background. When you switch back to an application, the iPhone actually has to restart it, which really slows things down.


A lot has been made about the issue of dropped calls, especially on the iPhone 4. This has partially to do with the iPhone 4's antenna design and, until recently, its availability only on the AT&T network. With the Blackberry, there are no such issues with its performance as a cell phone. Blackberry just makes solid phones that simply work.

Many people have stated that Blackberry is ceding the smartphone crown to its competitors, especially the iPhone. However, the Blackberry is still a worthy smartphone that does certain important functions better than the iPhone.

Stella Workman is a freelance writer and blogger who usually looks at savings account deals over at SavingsAccount.Org. Her most recent review looked at the best CD rates.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Introducing Gmail Motion - LOL

This is a question that Google been thinking about a lot at Google, and Google is excited to introduce our first attempts at next generation human computer interaction: Gmail Motion. Gmail Motion allows you to control Gmail — composing and replying to messages — using your body.

Don't be so excite. As usual it is April Fool Joke.
Introducing Gmail Motion - Official Gmail Blog
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