Wednesday, April 18, 2012

BuddyPress Fatal error: Class 'BP_Group_Extension' not found Fix

Problem - Once you go into buddypress setting and unchecked the boxes to allow or disallow groups and forums under Available Components. As a result you may see a error page in front end and back end pages. Basically you wont have access to any of the buddypress website pages.

You will get a error message similar to the following
PHP Fatal error: Class 'BP_Group_Extension' not found in website_path/wp-content/plugins/external-group-blogs/bp-groups-externalblogs.php on line 4

First thing first: You need to get access to the admin area to fix the problem. Easiest way to get access is ...

1. Log in using FTP account to the website files.
2. Navigate to the external-group-blogs folder.
3. Delete all the .php files ( make sure you you download them to your computer as a backup )
4. Done! Now you should have access to your website.
5. Go back change the settings as you wish.
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