Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Google Me the Movie

Google Me is not a new Google free service. It is a documentary movie by Jim Killeen. "It all started when I Googled my name," said Killeen of his movie. And who in today's day and age hasn't engaged in just such an activity in a moment of idle "webbing." The difference here that the filmmaker actually followed up on his findings by not only contacting his namesakes but also traveling to whatever remote location called for to meet and interview the subjects of his search.

It sounds interesting and we use Google to find all sorts of things every day. Jim Killen took it to the next step. So, you can try some search like your name and go and meet the person and interview them.

Watch the Google Me Trailer. Here is more information about this cool movie.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The easiest way to rebuild your PC!

Have you recently bought a PC or a laptop and wished you had all your favorite softwares installed in one hit so you do not have to find the latest installer version, remember most popular softwares that you have using, download the installation, install the software etc.. etc..

I have found a great software that does all this in one simple click. As described by the software vendor - you can rebuild your PC in three easy steps

1. Pick your favorite software (s) from their website
2. Click "Get Installer" and run it
3. You're done!

The software is free to use and there is a pro version for advance features such as offline mode.

Leave comments below if you have tried it or any other similar softwares.

Friday, April 23, 2010

3 Buzz tips: Deliver posts to your inbox, disable comments, and favicons for links - Official Gmail Blog

1. Deliver interesting posts to your inbox. Sometimes you're really interested in a certain conversation and would like to get it delivered to your inbox. You used to have to comment on a post in order to get updates sent to your inbox.

2. Disable comments. If a conversation you've started has run its course, you can opt to prevent further comments. For example, we just closed comments on this post soliciting questions for our SXSW panel since the talk happened over a month ago.

3. Favicons for shared links. When you share a link in Google Buzz, we now grab the favicon associated with that page so it's easier than ever to see the source (in this case, Blogger).

3 Buzz tips: Deliver posts to your inbox, disable comments, and favicons for links - Official Gmail Blog

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Google Buzz buttons

Starting today, you'll see these buttons around the web on participating sites including: The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, Glamour, YouTube, Blogger, MySpace, GigaOM, PBS Parents, PBS NewsHour, The Next Web, TweetDeck, SocialWok, Disqus, Vinehub, and Buzzzy. Mashable and TechCrunch have updated their sites to use these new buttons too.

A number of sharing platforms, including ShareThis (pictured below), Meebo, Shareholic, AddThis and AddtoAny have also incorporated the Google Buzz button into their sharing functionality, so you'll see Buzz listed as a choice when you go to share something on many other sites around the web as well.

Google Buzz buttons - Official Gmail Blog

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How to Add AdSense Ads to Google Buzz

Since I have post that Google Ads Start appearing in Google buzz I left a question that how to make it happened. So lets see How you can add Google AdSense ads to Google Buzz. Of course if you have lots of crazzy buzz followers then you can earn some extra from AdSense.

1. Assume that you have a blog that updates regularly.

2. Burn the feed for the blog

Login or create a new account with and burn the feed.

3. Add AdSense Ads to the feed

Login to your AdSense account and go to AdSense Ad Setup tab and Select AdSense for Feed. This is a small AdSense tip I use to display ads top of the post so it is more likely to click on the ads.

4. Add the feed to Google Buzz to automatically buzz

Now when you do a new post in your blog it will automatically appear in your Google Buzz and surprisingly it will buzz with Google Adsense ads.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Website Loading Time is not a Joke

This is the time to think about the website loading time. Seriously. Time to time I was going through this and came up with small hacks and tricks to make the blog load faster. However, did I do it seriously. I do not think so. Did you took it seriously and really thought about the loading time each time you do a change to your template or adding new gadget? It is time to take it seriously as Google is using site speed in web search ranking.

First this is what Google Search team says about their decision.

Speeding up websites is important — not just to site owners, but to all Internet users. Faster sites create happy users and we've seen in our internal studies that when a site responds slowly, visitors spend less time there. But faster sites don't just improve user experience; recent data shows that improving site speed also reduces operating costs. Like us, our users place a lot of value in speed — that's why we've decided to take site speed into account in our search rankings. We use a variety of sources to determine the speed of a site relative to other sites.

So that means we need to find out ways to speed up our website or blog. Here is my brain storming.

1. Choose/Switch Better web hosting ( Reliable and Faster and cheap web hosting might not going to work any more )
2. Choose/switch faster simple templates for the websites / blog. No more bulky images or flashy content but optimized images. Need to get the HTML coding optimized as well.
3. Use Tools effectively to measure what is really happening with the web site and do the necessary changes.

Some of the Web speed tools - Page Speed, YSlow, WebPagetest, Webmaster Tools
Also you can us Google Analytics asynchronous tracking.

Like I said earlier it is a better move from Google as it will improve the quality of the billions of websites and will come to an standard. Would like to see you thoughts as well.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Drag n Drop to Folder Shortcut

Did you know that you can drag and drop a file/folder to a folder shortcut in Windows? This not really big thing but can use it if you really like to organize your computer or reduce the number of clicks.

How it works? 

1. Create a shortcut to any folder you like.

For example I keep a folder called "Software" to keep all the executables files. It is in D: drive as I do not want the C:(Windows Drive) to be filled with my files. Giving enough space to Windows to run. Create a short cut for the Software folder. 

2. Move the shortcut to where you work most from

Desktop is one of the areas we store most of our files. By default the Desktop files sit on the C: (Windows Folder). If you are using other partition to store actual files and shortcut to the folder can be sit on the desktop.

3. Move and view files through the shortcut.

Normally we use to view the files but you can drag and drop files to the folder shortcut and it will go and sit on the destination folder. You do not really go through my computer and select the driver and then folder and copy and paste the files.

It is working on Windows XP, Windows Vista Windows 2008 server and Windows 7. (Pretty much all the windows versions)

New in Gmail Labs: Nested Labels and Message Sneak Peek

Labels are more flexible than folders because a given email can have several labels but can't be in several folders at the same time. A highly requested feature for labels, though, comes from the world of folders: the ability to organize labels hierarchically.

If you think this might be useful to you, go to the Gmail Labs tab under Settings, look for "Nested Labels," enable it and click "Save." You'll then need to name your label with slashes (/) to make it the child of another. For example, let's say you wanted to create a simple hierarchy with a "Home" label, and inside it a "Family" and a "Vacation" label. Just create three labels with the following names:


You can then create "Home/Family/Kids," "Home/Pets," etc., to get something like the screenshot on the left. If you had the parent label "Home" before you don't have to create it from scratch.
Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Nested Labels and Message Sneak Peek

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Six Killer Domain Name Tools

We have been discussing about all the domain name hacks and tricks to find a better and cool domain name for your business, blog or personal use or even as investment. Here is a list of domain name selecting tools

1. Yahoo Domain Name


See similar name options (Around 20 options)
Giving more reasonably realistic similar name options
Show the availability for .com .net. .org .info .us and .biz
Show you the Domain name search history
Really simple and fast way to find a better domain name with the keyword you need

1. Only show .com .net. .org .info .us and .biz domain names. Not able to search local domain name availability.

visit yahoo domain name

2. Domain Super Star

(+) Advantages

You can easily find the dropped domain name (My Favorite)
You can easily find the Domain name Dropping Soon
Keyword Base Domain Repository
Dictionary Tool
You can filter the search result by number of characters or keywords
Find the domain names with or without dashes (-) or digits

(-) Disadvantages

1. There are few options missing in the free version (Alerts and Premium Domain Finder)
2. 80% of the functionality is free but if you need the full option need to pay

Visit Domain Super Star Domain Tools

3. wordoid

(+) Advantages

You can find natural sound (English, Spanish, French, Italian, or German) domain names
You can add keyword to the domain name
You can limit the length
Shows the availability of the domain name in .com and .net
Shows registered details for unavailable domain and some stats from Google

(-) Disadvantages

Only show 5 results per page
Word length is limited to 5-15 characters ( it is reasonable)
3. Only show .com and .net availability

Visit wordoid 

4. Domain name Hack


Domain Hacks will break or slice the key word you have provided to get a domain name that will finally be your keyword.
Uses sub domains and folders to create the domain name

It is not providing a actual domain name solution but the possible way to get the keyword.

Visit Domain Name Hack

5. Domain Name Soup

1. Give a list of 3,4,5 and 6 letter domain names
2. Give Cool, Business, Premium Dictionary Word, Noun, Male, Female, Technical Domain name lists
3. Domain name nearly available and deleted domain names

Visit Domain Name Soup

6. Stuck Domains

1. Show .com, .net or . org dropped domain names
2. Able to search with a keyword that we required
3. Able to get the link popularity stats from main search engines


1. Can only search for either .com, .net or .org only and one domain name at a time
2. Dose not shows the domain availability or direct link to buy the domain.

Visit Stuck Domains!

Now what you need is little bit luck to find a good domain name.

Quick Picture Hack for Blog

Are you not that good at Photoshop? You do not want to spend time making the pictures looks nice and professional for your blog post. Then this quick picture hack will be handy.

1. Take the picture that you want to add to your blog post.

Normally I would use print screen to get most of the pictures for my blogs as they are related computers and internet. You can even use a simple digital camera to take some pictures. It is always interesting to add your own images rather than copying someone else images.

2. Remove the areas that you do not require

Then use simplest image editing tool (MS Paint or anything you familiar with) to remove the areas that are not relevant. With MS Paint, I will select only the area I need and paste it to a new file.

3. Add a simple but nice looking border 

Then add a simple border around it. Simplest way to add a border in MS paint is to use round corner box with think coloured line and draw a box around the image. That will give a nice look to the image.

Finally save it as PNG or JPEG. Upload it to your next blog post and you will notice the difference.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

ReBlog @ Appletell Future of iPhone OS

Apple is planning to launch the Apple iPhone OS on 8th April 2010. At Appletell there is a good overlook about what can be expected with the new version on iPhone OS.


This is actually a good one as this might be killing feature if any of the mobile companies can come up with a way to run applications in the background without harming the processing power

The return of the missing applications?

iPad missing applications -Stocks, Weather, Calculator, Voice Memos and Clock will be launch with iphone OS 4.0

iPad specific: Dashboard

The lost applications could all appear once again, bundled as widgets to form an iPhone OS Dashboard feature.

Mail 2.0

" on the iPad is described as “the best way to keep in touch,” and while it’s pretty close on all three devices using the iPhone OS, it’s not as good as it could be. A significant part of the upcoming iPhone OS 4.0 could be an updated version of, adding in the functionality that’s been missing since the original iPhone was launched."

For more about apple iPhone OS 4.0 visit

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Google getting a new look

Today I've noticed that there are couple of changes to the Google. I think this is not a April fool prank any more, but quite possible they are testing. Here are the list of things changed.

1. Search box is not a plain text box any more. It looks 3D and light gray colour.
2. Search text is blod.
3. All the other links at the bottom is bit lighter as well.

you can notice lot of changes to the search result as well.

1. Add Auto Detect location and you can change the location as well.
2. Colorful icons to switch between image, video, news and other searches.
3. Advance search is available only after you search something.

There are couple of more cool changes that Google is trying.

Friday, April 2, 2010

reBlog @Blog HQ Tracking Visitors in Real Time

Are you sick of your current Website statistic program. Is it not quite giving you the information what you need. Blog HQ points out a great tool named Clicky Analytics for the job. It is worth giving a try.

It is quite important to know what is really happening with your blog or website to improve it. Every webmasters dream is to get more traffic to their website and make more money out of it. So i believe understanding the current traffic situation can teach so many things to improve it as you want.

So here is a better tool for it and read more details about Tracking Visitors in Real Time using Clicky Analytics.

Official Gmail Blog: Today’s vowel outage

If you logged into Gmail over the last hour (or visited the Gmail homepage), you probably noticed that something looked a bit off: all the vowels are missing. We realize this makes things difficult for all of you who rely on Gmail — whether at home or at work — and we’re incredibly sorry. We take morphological issues like this extremely seriously, so we want to let you all know what happened and what we're doing about it.

At 6:01 am Pacific Time, during routine maintenance at one of our datacenters, the frontend web servers in that particular datacenter started failing to render the letter 'a' for a subset of users. As error rates escalated, the strain spread to other datacenters. We worked quickly to avoid a cascading failure of the entire alphabet by implementing a stopgap solution that limited the damage to the letters 'a,' 'e,' 'i,' 'o,' and 'u.' As a result, we're experiencing Gmail’s first temporary vowel outage. (We’re still investigating whether the letter 'y' is impacted and will post an update here shortly.)

Over the last hour we've received numerous reports of this issue via our help forums, from colleagues at Google, and via email you’ve sent us. Some of you have already found creative workarounds for communicating without vowels, like Aaron, who sent us this:Official Gmail Blog: Today’s vowel outage

Introducing Google Translate for Animals

Introducing Google Translate for Animals

Another April Fool Prank.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A different kind of company name

Early last month the mayor of Topeka, Kansas stunned the world by announcing that his city was changing its name to Google. We’ve been wondering ever since how best to honor that moving gesture. Today we are pleased to announce that as of 1AM (Central Daylight Time) April 1st, Google has officially changed our name to Topeka.

Official Google Blog: A different kind of company name

Big Big Crazy Things Happening Today

Today is one of the special days in technology world. You can hear so many great and shocking news all around and what dont we take little bit of time to enjoy these special news.

1. ProBlogger Acquired by Google

MELBOURNE, Australia. (April 1, 2010) – ProBlogger, the web’s #1 Blog Tips site, today announced that it has been acquired by Google. However, the news spread around bit early due to the Australian time zone. Also he forgot to mention that what will be happening to the

2. Memo: Google threatens to pull out of Australia

Internet search giant Google is planning to close down its Australian office in response to the Federal Government's plans to filter the internet, according to an internal memo sighted by iTnews

The news ended up

Representatives from Google were too busy enjoying April Fools Day!!! to make comment.

3 Google is yet to announce its big new. Will be updating as soon as it get released

Happy April First!!!

reblog @BenLAng 10 Social Media Blogs

Head of Young Entrepreneur Blog, Ben Lang cam up with the top 10 Social Media Blogs that you should be following. I found it pretty interesting post and thought sharing with you if you haven't been to

I was only following mashable and twitip but there 8 more great social media blogs listed.

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