Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Official Google Blog: Introducing Google Earth 6—the next generation of realism

In Google Earth 6, we’re taking realism in the virtual globe to the next level with two new features: a truly integrated Street View experience and 3D trees. We’ve also made it even easier to browse historical imagery. Over the next several days on our LatLong blog, we’ll be digging deeper into these great new features, but here’s an overview to whet your appetite.

Official Google Blog: Introducing Google Earth 6—the next generation of realism

Optional attendees in Google Calendar - Official Gmail Blog

Time is one of our most precious resources. Despite their necessity, meetings tend to vary in importance for different attendees. John might be really interested in his team’s weekly meeting, whereas Jane, who is working on a unrelated project, may want to skip it.

Guests’ roles in meetings tend to vary as well. Some people have to be there to lead the meeting or help make decisions, whereas others are gathering information they may be able to digest just as well via the notes. Without knowing which attendees are crucial and which are optional, it can be difficult to know which meetings you really need to attend.

That’s where Google Calendar’s new “Optional attendees” feature comes in. With a couple clicks, you can openly communicate the importance of a meeting for each attendee. Click on the “Make some attendees optional link” above the guest list and then toggle the role of each attendee by clicking the icon next to his or her name. So far, this feature has helped us more effectively manage our own time on the Calendar team — we hope it does the same for you.

Optional attendees in Google Calendar - Official Gmail Blog

JailBreak Windows Phone 7

Last month I have mentioned that Chris Walsh been experimenting with the Windows Mobile Phone 7 for possible jailbreak. He has came up with the first WP7 jail break tool. ChevronWP7 allow a WP7 handset owner to side load applications that aren’t allowed in the Marketplace due to the use of private APIs.

In his words

“Basically what you needed to do was pay Microsoft $99 (USD) or $150(AUD) to gain “access” to the device you paid for, so you are able to deploy applications you have created.So what we created was ChevronWP7. An application that runs on your desktop and unlocks your phone. Head over to the website for more information.”

Microsoft has already warned its WP7 users not to go for jailbreak solution as it might add some risk to the device.

"Attempting to unlock a device could void the warranty, disable phone functionality, interrupt access to Windows Phone 7 services or render the phone permanently unusable."

Since Microsoft has taken the route that Apple has done with Windows Phone 7 and only allowing approved apps from Windows Phone Marketplace to be installed on Windows Phone 7 devices, the jailbreak would allow for any solutions to be installable on Windows Phone 7 without having to go through Marketplace.

You can download and try the Windows Mobile 7 jail break tool at your own risk

Download Links


For more help visit http://www.chevronwp7.com/

Monday, November 29, 2010

Apple hates Android in Apple Apps Store

The App Store at Apple has a fairly careful approval procedure compared to Google’s Android Market. However, one developing company was in for a surprise recently when the company’s new Android magazine application was rejected by Apple for use in the App store.

The magazine, known as “Android Magasinet,” was developed by the Danish publishing company Mediaprovider. An Apple representative actually called the company to explain the rejection.The representative stated that since the application was strictly about Android, it could not be allowed in Apple’s App store. Is it because Apple is scared of letting Apple users know about Android? I highly doubt it. There is no reason why Apple as a company to promote their rivals. On the other hand Android magazine should be created for Android as it can get more Android users than Apple users. Don’t you think so?

Source and Image : http://socialbarrel.com

Microsoft Enters The Tactile Touchscreen World

Microsoft this week filed a patent application covering a novel way to construct a "tactile" touchscreen – a display that uses technical tricks to convince users they are actually touching the ridges, bumps and textures of a displayed image.

Whereas previous screens produced only an illusion of texture, Microsoft proposes producing a real texture, using pixel-sized shape-memory plastic cells that can be ordered to protrude from the surface on command.

UV switch

In US patent application 2010/0295820, published yesterday, Microsoft proposes using a layer of shape-memory plastic placed above a large touchscreen to distort the surface of the screen when different wavelengths of ultraviolet light strike the pixels from beneath.

Microsoft's named inventor, Erez Kikin-Gil at the firm's Redmond campus in Washington state, says in the patent that the idea is aimed at large table-sized computing displays such as the company's Surface, rather than phones or tablets.

A projector built into the Surface displays a computer image onto the table top from below. In the patent, Microsoft proposes coating the display with a light-induced shape-memory polymer. By modulating these wavelengths, texture can be created, the patent claims.

End of keypads
Do you still questioning the effectiveness and user friendliness of the touch screen keyboards.
"Creating well-defined bumps on a touch surface is in many ways the holy grail of text entry on touch devices because it would enable touch typing at much faster speeds than on touchscreens today," he says.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How about facebook as your home page

There is a bigger chance that you have a facebook account? Over 500,000,000 facebook users are there and most of them are active users. Question is do you like to add facebook as your home page?

"We are asking some users if they would like to make Facebook their homepage," Facebook spokesperson Meredith Chin said in an e-mail. "This is simply a suggestion for people who want to make it easier and faster to get to Facebook."

facebook already challenge Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and other email providers by announcing their new email and messaging portal. Now, facebook wants it user to make facebook as their home page.
That will definitely increase the number of page views for facebook.

I am happy with google.com as my home as it loads faster and most of the case Google is the starting point of internet browsing. That just me.

So, do you like to make facebook as home page? Why not?

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Top 5 iPad apps

iPad is one of the successful development products of Apple. iPad is one great platform for all the different kinds of entertainments like movies, games, music, videos, books and many more. It is really incredible to believe that a product weighing just 700 grams can become a platform for different multi tasking applications. Since the official announcements of iPad were in rumors, people in advance booked their iPad phones. iPad is one of the best running and selling instruments till date. Both businessmen and college students are in love with the various iPad applications.

Top 5 iPad applications:

1: Kindle
Before reading about the Kindle application for iPad, it is important to forget the rumors that say kindle as an iPad killer, etc. Actually kindle application for iPad has done a great entertainment for the kindle users who have recently purchased iPad with kindle app. With the help of visual page swipes in iPad, kindle application becomes a great reading experience. All bookworms should consider this application while buying a new iPad.

2: Wkipanion for iPad
Wkipanion is best for searching or referring any keyword or phrase. Downloading this application in your iPad helps you to refer any unknown key phrase within seconds. Also it helps to bookmark favorite entries for further reference or use.

3: Google Mob Application
Google is the best search engine on internet till date. There is no other application or search box that can help to perform your search referrals. Downloading Google mobile application helps to get familiar with any unknown site or keyword. The best thing about this application is its location search that helps you to find out all local hospitals, restaurants, hotels or landmarks around you.

4: Wordpress
Blogging has become one of the great things today and people really enjoy out their blogging activities using their iPad. IPad helps to download wordpress app for continuing their blogging from their iPad device. This application helps to post or edit any new or old blog from your iPad device using internet connection.

5: AOL messenger
The introduction of messenger is generally for keeping touch with your social friends. AOL’s instant messenger helps you to stay connection with your friends and relatives. In short, it gives you a continuation in your social life by being in touch with your fast friends. I guess this application can help you to save pennies that are usually spent on national and international text messages.
Thus, all these five applications are must for your iPad device. Some other great applications for your iPad are Evernote, Zinio Magazine, Asphalt, Twitterrific, Desktop connect, Fight control, etc.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Google Voice for iPhone

Good news for iPhone and Google Voice users. Google came up with the official Google Voice iPhone app.

You can enjoy free text messaging to US number, voice transcription and display your Google Voice number as a caller ID (Cool feature). I am sure you will get cheap rate for international calls. You can find out Google voice calling rates here.

If you are happy download it from Apple App Store. Minimum requirement is to have an iPhone with iOS3.1 or later and valid Google Voice account.
Official Google Blog: Google Voice for iPhone

[Cool Ideas ]Pillow Universal Remote Control

This is a crazy & cool idea, no doubt about it and you will like it. Is your remote control is too small and easily disappear in your living room? Or is it too hard to fall a sleep watching TV?
Then Pillow universal remote controller will be the coolest solution.

The pillow remote control is a throw pillow that’s a fully functional remote, too. It features sewn-in fabric buttons, which will let you turn up and down the volume, change the channel, as well as access the DVD, VCR, as well as your TV. It even has an option to change your input. The pillow universal remote control is available right now, if you’re so inclined, and it will only cost you $30. Just make sure you have 2 AAA batteries lying around, to power the thing.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Google Improve to Product Search for this holiday season

Google tweaked its products search for holiday shopping. If you have already made the shopping list or even if you wait till the last minute this will be a good news. Do't forget to do the online research before you go shopping.

I personally do not like to shop online. Mainly because I like to check the product my self and decide whether I am going to pay the price. That dose not mean that I do all my research online and select the local shops that provide the best price for a product.

Google understand the online and offline shopping and help further bridge the gap. Google team introducing several new features to product search.

Local availability on Google Product Search - Google partnered with more than 70 retail brands—including national retailers like Best Buy and Williams-Sonoma, as well as software manufacturers like JDA, Epicor and Oracle—to connect shoppers searching online with local stores that have the items they’re are looking for in-stock.

Google Shopper 1.3 - Mobile shopping app that helps shoppers on the go.

“Popular products” and “aisles”: Google borrowed an idea from successful brick and mortar stores and in the coming weeks, we'll roll-out two features called “popular products” and “aisles” to help people learn about and discover new products.

Happy Shopping!

Official Google Blog: Improvements to Product Search for this holiday season

Monday, November 15, 2010

Facebook Email, File Sharing & Facebook Currency

Facebook may announce it is email service on Monday (15th Nov). It is going to be a baby step comparing to it's loan term goals. Facebook Inc.’s estimated worth is now bigger than EBay Inc.’s valuation. Facebook is the third largest internet business in US. What are the possibilities of introducing Facebook money that could lead to universal online currency?

Facebook has attracted more than 500 million users and nearly half of them use the site every day to post billions of photographs, videos and messages. If it is a country is would be the third largest population.

People's Republic of Chinan2 1,340,630,000
India 1,190,210,000
FaceBook 500,000,000 (1,586,272,554 Total internet users 2008)
United States 310,707,000

As I mentioned before Facebook manage to pass ebay and become the third largest internet business.

Google Inc. $192.9 billion
Amazon.com Inc. $74.4 billion
Facebook Inc. $41 billion
EBay’s $39.3 billion

It all proves that Facebook is in a strong position to influence larger a community. There are rumors that Facebook is going to launch email service that will allow users to have a email account with @facebook.com (Secret project call Titans). It will allow user to share files and communicate with outsiders. It might be a challenge to GMail. However it will add more value to Facebook and will be a better media to take it more and more internet users out there.

Not only email but Facebook may release real time file sharing in near future. They bought drop.io. and they will add similar feature in near future.

Lets come to Facebook money. Is it real or rumor? It is still rumors but already Facebook credits has gone to real world.

"We want Facebook Credits to be the virtual currency on Facebook," said product marketing manager Deborah Liu for the Palo Alto firm.

There are lot of challenges coming up a universal online currency, which includes security, make it easy to use and build the trust.

However, it is clear that Facebook has really big plans for future you will be able to hear exciting news about Facebook.

Windows Phone 7 Jailbreak is Possible

Windows Phone 7 is out and it is just a matter of time to release a jailbreak solutions for WP7. Already developers has uncovered some vital information about the device and the software. An Australian developer Chris Walsh was successful to run native” unmanaged code on a retail Windows Phone 7 device.

He noticed the funky code that Samsung had created to set the Network properties of a Windows Phone 7 handset. If the DLL called Microsoft.Phone.InteropServices is changed it will enable COM access.

Yes this is all in developers point of view but everyone else need a simple and smart piece of software that can jailbreak the WP7 to run unapproved apps. However, it will take time as still you do not really required to jail break or root your phone as there are not many application.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Kinect Hack Revealed [Video]

Price money to build a open source driver for Kinect has increased to $2000. Hackers are working on it not just because of the price money but the possibilities with the device.
Microsoft says that it is hard to jailbreak or tamper Kinect. However, it is just a matter of time. Recently released video is a prime example and it is so closed.

Some of the great thoughts about Kinect ....

[Diego Spinola] Can’t wait to see the 3d scanners that are going to be made with it!

[chango]Next step is to turn that height field into a mesh and map the color camera onto it. Then it will be obvious what’s going on here.

[starlino] Stereo Vision can be implemented easily with 2 cheap usb camera and opencv (as explained for example here http://www.starlino.com/opencv_qt_stereovision.html), the fact that Kinect has the infrared and probably hardware processing is a great plus which is a bonus for many robotics applications.I will not be surprised if Microsoft releases a driver for their Robotics Studio soon…

Many more can be found at hackaday.com

[FirstLook] Download Install Experience FireFox 4.0 Beta

Finally downloaded installed and played with Firefox 4.0 Beta. First impression, it is Google Chrome with Firefox theme. Installed smoothly and loaded withing seconds for the first time. Firefox always been a better browser.

Downloaded the 10.8Mb FireFox Setup 4.0 Beta 7.exe file and installed it within couple of seconds. Pretty neat and procreational look and feel (Similar to Google Chrome) is a plus point. Website loading time is impressive.

Incompatibility Add-on Check when it start for the first time. - I really did not worry about it at this stage.
Combines status bar and address bar alloved FF4.0 Beta to get rid of bottom status bar completely.
It gives the ability to group tabs and name it but for some reason when I try to exit the tab group screen it crashes and needed to start it again and again. It is all good still it is in beta and this is normal it beta versions.
Over all Firefox 4.0 Beta is smooth, faster and better. You can try it without any problem.

5 Limewire alternatives - File Sharing Platforms

Limewire was one of the popular, most used and well known Gnutella based P2P (PEER TO PEER) program software for Windows and Mac users. The last week of October 2010 really devastated all their users and customers with Limewire legal notification of shut down. The reports and media states that one of the US judge has approved the request of RIAA (Recording Industry Artists of America) to discontinue entire features, supports and programs running under Limewire including searching, downloading, file sharing, file distribution, file trading and uploading. This announcement on the legal platform has made the Limewire users feel traumatized and crushed.
Now the question is searching the best alternatives that can help the consumers with Limewire Shutdown or discontinuation: After researching a lot, we have come up with few important and useful Limewire alternatives for your file sharing and trading platforms. They are as follow:-

1: Frost Wire: One of the best alternatives for Limewire users
I guess there is no best alternative on internet for Limewire much better and viable than Frost Wire. Frost Wire is considered as one of the great alternatives for Limewire because it is a hidden jewel for P2P applications and programs. Apart from supporting the Gnutella code, Frost Wire is absolutely free for different kinds or types of advertising. This is the only P2P program on net that doesn’t annoy its customers with irritating pop up ads and other buying sites.

2: UTorrent:
I guess you must be familiar with UTorrent P2P program that comes under the brand name of Bit Torrent. This program supports Gnutella code under Mac and Windows. This P2P program is one of the easiest, quickest and best alternatives for Limewire.

3: MP3 Rocket:
MP3 Rocket is a best alternative for Limewire as it supports the Gnutella code and Bit Torrent procedures in a very feasible way. For more than one thousands games can be searched and downloaded using MP3 Rocket program. It is a great P2P program found on internet these days and works as a successful alternative for Limewire. Movies, live radio and TV shows are easily offered by MP3 Rocket.

4: Ares:
The best thing about Ares P2P program software is that it is absolutely free. One can take this alternative for free downloading and file trading apart from chatting and other entertaining activities. Ares gives the chance to join the free chat rooms for unlimited hours chatting with friends under various communities.

5: Rapid share:
This is not a P2P site basically but your file sharing and downloading activities can be carried out using Rapid share site. One can download up to 500MB with a gap of 15 minutes. This is one of the great sites that can work as great alternatives for Limewire file sharing platforms.
Above are some of the 5 best alternatives that can help Limewire users for their file sharing, trading and uploading activities.

If you use any other file sharing platform we would like to hear about them.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

UK Scientists Develop Mobile STD Test

A group of U.K. health professionals is developing a cheap, widely available test for sexually transmitted diseases that you can administer privately through your mobile phone.
The test involves peeing or spitting onto a special computer chip and plugging it into your phone for analysis. Test results for common STDs, like gonorrhea, Chlamydia and herpes, will appear in minutes. The software also has the potential to include treatment recommendations and directions to your nearest doctor.

Isn't this crazy? If you like to know more about mobile that let you do STD Test

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jailbreak Microsoft Kinect to Run on Windows 7

It seems like Microsoft Kinet is already jail breaked (hacked) to work on Windows 7. It should not be impossible as Kinet is originally developed by Israeli company PrimeSense and Microsoft bough it and used it for XBox 360. Secondly it is Microsoft and you can easily find a hack to work things around.

This is what Microsoft says about Kinect.

"Microsoft does not condone the modification of its products," a company spokesperson told CNET. "With Kinect, Microsoft built in numerous hardware and software safeguards designed to reduce the chances of product tampering. Microsoft will continue to make advances in these types of safeguards and work closely with law enforcement and product safety groups to keep Kinect tamper-resistant."

And the following video shows that Kinect is hacked to use with Windows 7. If this is true then it is pretty much can be used as any other interface.

Apple iPhone 5 - What new features would it have?

Every year from 2007, Apple launched a new iPhone to the market. Started with the basic and made lots of improvements over each new release. Definitely iPhone is one of the best selling smart phone and Apple will make sure that they will introduce a new version of iPhone next year, iPhone 5.

Here is the iPhone release pattern. Considering the number of iPhone 4 hand sets sold (Over 14 million) Apple will definitely bring up the iPhone 5.

iPhone(Original) - June 29, 2007
iPhone 3G - July 11, 2008
iPhone 3GS - June 19, 2009
iPhone 4 - June 24, 2010
iPhone 5 - ?? ??, 2011

Question is what new features will be there in iPhone 5. Always it will come up with improvements from its previous version and couple of new features.

Apple will definitely solve the iphone 4 antennagate problem in iPhone 5 (Better Solutions). Also, it need to work on the sensors to work perfectly when the calls are made. Apple will look into improve the battery life of iPhone 5. iPhone 4 has a good battery life comparing to other smartphones.

The iPhone 5 may include LTE support, which is already in HTC Evo and users can experience faster internet connection in US.

There is a possibility that iPhone 5 rare and front camera improvement. It would be nice to have a 8MP - 12 MP camera.

Better processor, larger screen will be some additional improvements. How about larger storage place.

What would be the new features added to iPhone 5? Definitely it would be a nice surprise for iPhone users and something that will make you buy the iPhone 5.

Some are suggesting that adding digital wallet to the iPhone 5 is possible. However, I think Apple will always leave it as a separate device or service as a add-on.

It is going to be an another cool smart phone for sure.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Dual Android-Windows 7 netbook

This netbook is specially designed for Android and Windows users who wants to use both Android and Windows 7 without rebooting the system.

The $499 Happy features an Intel Atom N550 dual core CPU, Intel 3150 graphics, an internal hard disk (up to 250GB) and a built-in card reader.

With a keyboard 93 per cent of full-size (Acer says the keys are “large”), the Happy is 24mm thick and weighs 1.25kg. Its screen is a 10.1-inch (28cm) WSVGA display with a 16 by 9 aspect ratio.

The Acer Crystal Eye webcam and microphone are also built-in.

So it is a combination of productivity (Windows) and social life (Android)

Source: Acer releases dual Android-Windows 7 netbook

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Submit your Windows Mobile & XBox 360 app in 5 steps

Microsoft open the Windows Mobile & XBOX 360 app hub for submitting new applications just after launching the Windows Mobile 7 phones. If you are already registered as a developer then you can follow these 5 steps to upload apps to the Windows app hub.

Submitting your application consists of the following 5 steps:

Step 1: Upload Your Application

1. Enter basic app information and upload the .XAP
2. Add notes or instructions for the teams that test and certify the application.

Step 2: Provide the Application Description

provide details about your application that will appear in the Windows Phone Marketplace.

Step 3: Upload the Artwork

In this step, you will upload the artwork associated with your application.

Step 4: Set the Application Pricing

price your application and determine the markets in which it will be sold.

Step 5: Submit Your Application

This step allows you to review the details of your application before submitting your application to Microsoft for certification.

Enjoy developing application for WM7 and Xbox 360 and you can find lots of how to develop WM7 and XBox 360 apps here.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Skyfire browser struggle playing flash on iPhone

Apple has improved their battery life by stop supporting flash. However, ipad, iphone users are desperate to use flash. Skyfire first (non-jailbreak) method to play flash on your ipod is sold out withing days. Skyfire servers cannot handle the download and the technique use to display flash on iphone.

“Skyfire for iPhone has been received with unbelievable enthusiasm,” outlined Skyfire’s Robert Oberhofer in an official blog notification. “Despite our best attempts and predictions, the demand far exceeds our initial projections.”

Soon they will launch it again with better server capabilities and your question How to run flash on iphone without jail breaking will be answered.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cool iPhone App - Type While You Walk -

This is one of the coolest and useful iPhone app if you really into a bad habit of typing while you walk. If you do regularly I am sure you might have lot of fun experience bumping into things.

Type While Walking is a new app for anyone who's ever thought, "My iPhone has a camera on the back, so there's no reason I should have to stop looking at it just to do a silly thing like watching where I walk." With this 99-cent app, you can compose email messages, SMS messages and other text documents on top of the image from your iPhone's camera, theoretically avoiding any need to look up from your phone.

Download the Type while walkingBy Isayonline Services and it is only 99-cents.

Source : downloadsquad.com

iphone table video released

This is the same product we talked about in last post. Iphonetable and they have released the video demonstrations. Actually, it took sometimes to launch it but they finally did it. Here we go! iPhone, iPad and iphonetable or you want to call it itable.

Isn't it a cool idea?
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