Saturday, January 31, 2009

Firefox a personalized new tab page like Google Chrome

In the second beta Google Toolbar for FireFox Introduce a cool feature. After installing the Google Toolbar on FireFox it will open up a page with small thumbnails of your favorite sites (up to 9) as well as recently closed and bookmarked pages on when you open a new tab. This is basically replace the default FireFox black tab. This feature is pretty much similar to the new tab page in Google Chrome which I found really useful and save time. 

Official Google Blog: Google Toolbar in Firefox: a personalized new tab page

[GuestPost] Better Ways to Use Files - Compress Files

Roguedeals is a new site founded in late '08. This Techie Deals and Reviews site is all about the push for collaboration and feedback from its users. They believe that with your input, the site will grow and prosper. They hunt for the very best deals on the Internet and give you a fresh take on it. Check out this excerpt from one of their latest posts..

Better Ways to Use Files

Your personal files are the most important data on your PC.
Windows can be reinstalled and software replaced, but your creations and personal affections cannot. They represent your time and effort so I am here to talk about the best ways to handle them.

This guide has a bunch of easy ways for you to save, organize, and manipulate files.
This guide will recommend an application to do each of these functions and explain why they are great if not best at it.

Compressing Files

License: free, open source
OS compatible: Windows, Mac; various flavors of UNIX


High compression format (7z file type)
Supports many compressed formats.
Zips files better than WinZip
AES-256 bit encryption capable
Self-extracting capable
Right click integration
File manager GUI
Command line options
Multi language support

Alternates: WinZip, PKZip

Hope you enjoy this weeks guest post and more about better ways to use files can be read at

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

[Basic] How to take a Screen Shot

Capturing what is on your screen is really important when it comes to prepair a presentation, take a picture from a flash presentation or sometimes from PDF document. We will discuss couple of basic method that can be used to take Screenshots.

Simplest Method

In standard keyboard (It might different in laptop keyboards) you can see key called "Print Screen". Simply pressing the key will capture your whole screen. 

If you press (ALT+ Print Screen) will capture the active window at the time press the key combination.  

And then open Microsoft paint or any other picture editing tool (Photo Shop) and open a new project or file and press (CTRL+ V) or paste command to paste what you captured in to the file and you can edit it as you want. Also you can directly copy that into a Microsoft Word files if you do not require any editing.

Is there any free software for that? Yes.

ScreenPrint32 is a free simple software that will make screen print little bit in easy. After downloading and installing ScreenPrint32 you can configure it as you want.

It gives couple of options as follows. 
        * You can Capture the full desktop or Active windows - This is same as normal Print Screen method.
        * Capture Active Window 
        * Prompt User for Capture Area - I like this option as I do not want to use picture editing software to remove all the unwanted bits from the screen print. 
        * Capture a pre-Define area

If you have difficulties finding the print screen in your key board you can also select another key from ScreenPrint32. 

You can send it to a printer straight away. But I do not like this option as it will waste lot of papers and I do not require to print all my print screens. So I disable this option.

Save Option is one of the coolest functions you can find in ScreenPrint32. You can directly save the captures screen shot into a file base on the location and the picture file format you selected. 

This is a simple but really useful way to capture screen shots and use it to make your presentation interesting.  Do you know any better ways to take screen shots?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

How to sync Gmail Contacts, Google Calendar, Plaxo with iPhone, Blackberry and Windows Mobile

This a dream freeware for anyone using an iPhone or a Windows Mobile device or even a Blackberry and who uses Gmail (Google Mail) or Google Calendar. Now you can keep in synch (synchronise) with Google calendar and Gmail contacts.

NuevaSync allows direct, over-the-air, native synchronization of certain smart phones and PDA devices with public PIM, and calendaring services including Google Calendar. NuevaSync does not need any software installed on your device because it uses synchronization protocols that are already built in.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

[FREE] File Server for Local Area Network

It is quite required to have a centralise storage (Network-Attached Storage) when you have large downloads and using couple of computers at home. There are many good but expensive solutions. This is quite easy way to set up a network attached storage really easily by spending little money (for the computer) by using FreeNAS. It will give good value to your old computer as well. 

Following video will give a good briefing about FreeNAS and how to install it. 

It is quite simple. It required only 96MB RAM and can install it in a USB or external memory card. It takes only couple of minutes to complete the installation. I just download the image and burn it to a CD and boot it from the CD. You can attached any file format, external storage. 

Came cross small problem mounting a external hard drive. It keep on giving a error but no description or proper log. It was basically due to selecting the incorrect file type. It is always remember to check the file type before mounting the hard drive. 

Enjoy the free Network-Attached Storage and manage all your files in a one place. 

Thursday, January 22, 2009

[bug] FeedBurner count whent down to zero

Today (22.01.2009) we have noticed our feed burner count whent down to zero. We knew it was something to do with FeedBurner counter display as we could see the number of FeedBurner count stay the same when we log in to the account. 

Lately found out even in official Google, Gmail blogs FeedBurner count are dropped to zero. It must be a small bug that affect everyone and they will fix sooner.

Watch videos right in Gmail chat

No one else thought about this. But how many times you share YouTube links with your friends while chatting. One of the problem is you will go to a different tab or window and you might forget the chat or you might feel too lazy to go to the link. 

All this problems been fix by simple hack. Now you can see a preview of the Video in Gmail chat. Do I need to say more? Enjoy the new simple but effective feature and another reason why you should chat in Gmail.

Official Gmail Blog: Watch videos right in Gmail chat

[Outlook 2003] How to fix incorrect sent time

Recently I come cross this wired issue with Outlook 2003. When I sent an email to someone it actually shows a wrong sent time. It affect badly when you try to send a new appointment. It will go with wrong timing. Computer time, Computer time zone, email server time is correct. Email receive time is correct as well. Where is the problem? How to fix it? 

Fix is quite simple. This occurs simply because you have unchecked the "Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes". 

Double click on the computer clock (task bar) and go to "Time Zone" tab and check the "Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes" check box and click "Apply" and then "OK". This will fix the issue. It is always better to give a restart to your computer and outlook2003.

Get Calendar on your Google Desktop

New version of Google Calandar gadget for Google Desktop allows you to track of your upcoming appointments right from your desktop. It comes up with three different viewing modes.

You can view a detail version of your events including a map of location. You can add new events easily by clicking the "Add event" link.  This is compatible with the latest Linux, Mac and Windows release of Google Desktop gadgets.

Official Gmail Blog: Get Calendar on your Google Desktop

Sunday, January 18, 2009

[Windows7] Windows7 Beta hotkey (Keyboard Short Cuts) Cheat Sheet

If you are downloaded, install and testing Windows7 Beta and want to try (keyboard short cuts) cheat sheet this will be a quite interesting. Blog Brandon Paddock's blog gives a list of keyboard short cuts can be found here.

Friday, January 16, 2009

[Email] POP3 settings for Microsoft Live Hotmail

After a long waiting time finally microsoft decide to give POP3 access to Microsoft Live Hotmail. Now you can directly configure your hotmail account with Microsoft Outlook or any other email client program. There were couple of methods before but non was standard or reliable or free. 

Here is the POP3 settings for Microsoft Live (Hotmail) 

 - POP3 Server: (port 995)  
 - SMTP Server: (port 25)   

Note: Please make sure to check the box that indicates that your outgoing server requires authentication (in most e-mail clients, this is not checked by default). 

 - Username: your full e-mail address 
 - Password: your Windows Live ID password

[GoodWebsite] How to build a cool blog/website

Set up and maintaining a website with a blog, forum, gallery and a content management system requires lot of programming skills plus money. Statement was true couple of years back but now you do not need much programming skills or money to build such a website with all the functionalities. I have done so many mistakes and learnt from them and would like give tips and tricks for building a website that can be used for your business or for personal use. 

Topics I would like to discuss in details related to developing and maintaining a quality website spending little money are:
1. Give a good start 
2. Get the Domain name First
4. Build the website/blog
5. Analyse and learn Website statistics
6. Add better Email client/server
7. Manage a News Letter
8. Interactive Forms to your website
9. Manage your team in style
10. Future of your website

In addition I would like to discuss any other issues and add-ons that you can use to make your website/blog cool. Stay tune, subscribe to CrazzyCool and you will not miss any of these hacks tricks and tweaks. If there is any more please send it to me and I will add it on my future posts.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

[Guest Post] How I Got into This Blogging Shite?

Robby G at explains some useful guideline for a blogger base on his own experience. Enjoy!!

What can I say about computers and internet? Nothing, except that I use the both on a daily basis. Another thing I know is that I run a fully functioning blog and forum… but I don't have a clue how that came to be. One day I was figuring out how this whole Facebook thing worked, and the next I was writing posts and using different social networks to market my blog. Hmm, come to think of it, that'd be a good topic to write about. How I got into this blogging shite.

Blogging is honestly one of the greatest things a person can get into. Wait, let me finish. It's not for just anyone though. If you're like me who has a lot of stuff to talk about and you write short stories or screenplays here and there, and even attempted at getting published, then blogging is right for you. A lot of people get discouraged if they get rejected by every publishing company and think that if Penguin or Signet isn't signing them then they must be horrible writers. That's not necessarily true. Mario Puzo's The Godfather was rejected close to forty or so times, I believe, before it was finally published. If publishing companies see they can't market your stuff well at the time then they usually pass on it. That's where blogging comes in. Some would say you'll turn successful at blogging if you're good at marketing, but I would have to disagree with those people. Sure, marketing, SEO, using social media to attract readers, and all the rest is part of raising traffic, but if your content is bad then there's not much anyone can do for you. You'll have someone visit your blog and read a post, but after that they'll just leave and never come back. Now if your content (your writing skills) are top-notch, then that unique visitor will come back and will even notify his friends about your blog. I think that's an ultimate test for a writer/journalist these days.

I'm not saying that Dostoevsky would be successful at blogging, I really can't tell. Not too many people would like to read 200 pages on how a flower blossoms, but someone like Hunter S. Thompson would be a killer blogger. Especially a Gonzo blogger. Damn, there's an idea for a blog right there. Go through crazy experiences first-hand and blog about them. Anywho, I kinda got carried away with this so I'll try to steer back on track. The way I began blogging was through a friend. He introduced me to the whole world of it and from then on I wrote non-stop. Got into a few problems with the technicalities of it all here and there, but in the end I pulled through and now I've been running a successful blog for over two months, which I'm extremely proud of and only get good feedback on. If you're thinking about getting into blogging, my advice would be this: 
1. Write about a topic you love (I know everyone says that, but it's true. I learnt the hard way. Shite I Like is my second blog for a reason.) and 
2. Never give up due to lack of visitors. If you're interested in the subject and you see you actually have some returning visitors, then go right ahead and keep posting. 
All that the lack of traffic means is that you need to read-up and practise some marketing for your blog. If your content is garbage, however, then you'll more than likely catch onto it soon enough and will need to tweak it up in some places, or once again, blogging isn't for you.

Hope you don't get discouraged and start and maintain your own blog, and if you like how I write, then come and visit me, Robby G, at

Hack iPhone to enable copy and paste functionality

Here's a video on a simple hack to enable copy and paste functionality which is currently missing from iPhone

Registry Hack to enable Aero on Windows 7

Due to much higher requirements of hardware to run Aero on Windows 7 than an average user will have, Aero is usually disabled when you install in on 512mb or a Virtual Machine.

BTW, Windows 7 download is still available online and so grab it whiles it there. The beta will work without the Product key for 30days. There's a hack to make it work till 120 days.

Here's a registry hack on how you can bypass this check and enable Aero

1. Click on Start and type regedit at run

2. Go to the following registry key:


3. In the right details pane, create following Three DWORD (32-bit value) entry

  • UseMachineCheck, and set its value to 0.
  • Blur, and set its value to 0.
  • Animations, and set its value to 0.

4. Close Regedit

5. Click on Start and type CMD with administrative Priviliges

6. Now type following command to stop and start Desktop Window Manager Session Manager.

  • Net Stop uxsms
  • Net Start uxsms

7. Now Enable Aero by right clicking on desktop-> Personalize ->Windows Colors.

This Registry Hack to enable Aero in Windows 7 can also be used on Windows 7 install on Virtual Machine like Virtual PC 2007 but this wont work on Vmware Player which doesn’t have DirectX 9 or support physical machine video Drives.

YouTube Now Mutes Videos With Unauthorized Copyrighted Music

This may not be a good news for the Youtube viewers and fans out here.

YouTube has started muting videos that use unauthorized copyrighted music.

The official notice from YouTube under the video says the following:

This video contains an audio track that has not been authorised by all copyright holders. The audio has been disabled.


Checkout this video

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How to add Google custome search to blogger

Adding the custom Google search in blogger blog is quite easy. Let see how can we display the search result in the main page. That will add extra advantages. 

1. Visitors will not be taken away from your blog
2. Page views will be increased. 
3. If you use it with Google AdSense it will increase your AdSense earnings. 

Lets see how you can add a Custom Google search to your blogger blog and make the search result display on the main page (you can direct to any custom page as well)

First you need to set up the Google Custom search engine for you with AdSense.

1. Go to AdSense Setup  
2. Click AdSense for Search 
3. Select how you would like your custom search engine to work. Personally I have selected only my site as then the search result looks personal and make sense.  And click Continue button.
4. Then choose the Look and feel of the search box and the width depending on where you going to place it .  And click Continue Button.
5.  Then it comes to the search result style.  
     5.1 Select "Open Result with My Own Site" for Opening of search result page. 
     5.2 You can select the Ads location as you wish. 
     5.3 Always Choose the same colours pallet as your blog. 
     And click "Continue" button.
6. Give a name to your custom search and click the button "Submit and get a Code"

Then it will give you two codes. One is "Search Box Code" and other one is "Search Result code".

First Place the Search box code which will display the search box. For that simply go to "Layout" and Select "Page Element" And "Add new Gadget" and under "Basics" Select "HTML/JavaScript" and paste the "search Box Code" . Follow the same this for the "Search Result Code". Make sure you place Search Result Gadget in a area where width is greater than 795. So search result will display properly. 

It will give a cool look to your blog plus it will be really helpful for your visitors as well for searching your archive posts. Do you have any cool ideas around the Google custom search?

Windows Vista vs Windows 7

Here's a video on which one of the two is faster - faster boot time..

And the winner is....... WINDOWS 7

MSN rejecting Adium Connection

Adium is a free instant messaging application for Mac OS X that can connect to AIM, MSN, Jabber, Yahoo, and more

Starting at about 20:00 PST (January 11), Microsoft’s servers have stopped accepting logins from clients that use version 15 of the protocol, including Adium 1.3.2. The Debug Window in debug and beta versions of Adium reveals that their server is failing to find a certificate that it needs when Libpurple attempts to retrieve your MSN Address Book.

This also affects Pidgin, which means it’s definitely not an Adium problem.

There are two ways to connect:

It is not clear whether this is a temporary server problem or a permanent change that will break P15-using Libpurple-based clients (including Adium 1.3.2) until a future Libpurple release.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Google's new favicon. Do you Like it?

Google introduced a new favication that will dispaly in URL bar, Tabs and book marks. Final favication selected is 
Couple of other favications submitted to the contest. 
by André Resende

by Hadi Onur Demirsoy

by Lucian E. Marin

by Yusuf Sevgen

Do you like the new Google favication?

Official Google Blog: Google's new favicon

Sunday, January 11, 2009

[Windows7] Install Windows 7 Beta in Virtual Machine

Finally Microsoft released the Windows 7 Beta Built 7000 and able to download it without any problem and they have given two options to install it. 

1. Upgrade Windows Vista SP1 to Windows7 Beta 
2. Install a fresh copy of Windows7 

But I could not find a extra computer with the given specification and I did not want to install it in my current computer as this is a beta version and it might not work as I want. So I decide to install it on virtual machine. 

Virtual Machine Setup 
455 RAM  (1 GB is recommended) 
16GB Hard 
After starting the New virtual Machine selected the downloaded ISO image straight away.
Click CD > Select Capture ISO Image > Select the downloaded ISO image from Microsoft Site
 You do not have to burn it to a DVD using a ISO image burner. That's one of the easy thing I found in the installation process. 

Rest went as normal installation and took sometimes beyond whats expected as I did not allocate much RAM. Windows7 performances was pretty good in less RAM. Will update as we experience more Windows7 hacks tricks.

[Windows7] Not too late to download Windows7

Microsoft was planing to release Windows7 Beta  to public on 9th January but as servers could not handle the high volume of traffic they had to postpone the date. Today ( 11.01.2009 ) notice download link is available. 

It was for suppose to be for only limited number of downloads. But I was able to download Windows7. If you still haven't download it it is not too late to download it

Install Windows7 in Style might be useful to install Windows7 without any problem. Install Instructions can be find Microsoft site.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Integrate your AdSense account with Google Analytics

Do you want to integrate your AdSense account with Google Analytics for have a clear picture of how your Google AdSense ads perform. At the movement it will not be in every account. If you do not find it in your AdSense account then visit AdSense Blog and fill out the interest form and this feature will be enabled for you withing couple of days. After this feature is enabled you can see a link to link two accounts when you log into AdSense account. 

It will display all the website or blogs you have added to Analytics account to be linked with
If you select more than two accounts it will give a tracking code to be paste for other accounts.

 After Confirming it will take around couple of hours to display new statistics.

After linking AdSense with Analytics first time if you require to change any settings then you have to Analytics Settings page and new link "Edit AdSense linking settings" 

[Windows7] Download Windows7 Beta

Finally after Microsoft announce of the Windows7 Beta release to the public updated the Windows7 Download page with the message. 
Thanks for your interest in the Windows 7 Beta. The volume has been phenomenal—we're in the process of adding more servers to handle the demand. We're sorry for the delay and we'll re-post the Beta as soon as we can ensure a quality download experience.

Microsoft servers experionced a high volume of traffic and site was extreamly slow and sometimes down due to this. It seems like there is a high interest for the Windows7. 

[Guest Post] Install Windows7 in Style

Microsoft planing to launch Windows7 Beta to public today and Sriram Sridharan at Orangeman Burns blog provided great tips and tricks for installing Windows7 build 7000.

With all the hoopla surrounding Microsoft's forthcoming OS, Windows 7, I decided to take a sneak peek. So here's a tutorial that will allow you to dual boot Windows 7 with ease.

Windows 7 (formerly known as Blackcomb and Vienna) is the working name for the next release of the Microsoft Windows Operating System after the not-so-popular Windows Vista.

I'm using Windows 7 build 7000, but these steps should be valid for newer or older builds. We will be dual booting Windows 7 with a pre-existing Windows system[Windows XP in my case]. The system requirements are quite low. It runs "faster than XP" on my 4 year old system with the following specs:

2.4Ghz Single Core P4 processor
512MB DDR RAM at 133MHz
Intel 845 GVSR mother board with integrated graphics card[64MB shared memory]
80GB HDD with an 8GB partition for Windows 7

My Windows Experience Index and detailed specs

I was creating an 8GB partition on my HDD with Paragon Partition Manager, when a random voltage spike caused the computer to restart[The UPS failed to switch to battery]. The MBR was corrupted and I couldn't log in to Win XP or Ubuntu. I booted up Puppy Linux from my USB drive, Googled around and found a solution. I inserted my Win XP Pre-SP1 CD and went to recovery console and used fixmbr. After a reboot, I was able to boot in to XP and browse the C[NTFS] partition, but my D[NTFS],E[NTFS] and G[EXT2] partitions were missing. I then installed the Active Partition Recovery software and after a quick scan, it found and recovered the missing NTFS partitions. So back up stuff before you attempt partitioning or installing the OS.

Create a partition of atleast 8GB and format it as NTFS. There are several tools available from Partition Magic, Paragon or you can even use the one available in the control panel.
Burn the Windows 7 iso into a DVD or mount the ISO. I prefer IMGBURN.
Set the BIOS to "not to boot from the disk". The OS will boot several times and it HAS to boot from the HDD each time.
Auto run the CD in the pre-existing Windows installation.
Choose install type as custom, and choose the partition you need to install Windows 7 in.
The install took me an hour with several reboots.

Now you're done. Simple huh?? Quite fast, painless and not remotely fussy. You'll notice that a new Windows 7 OS selection screen has been installed. To boot XP/Vista, choose the "Earlier installed Windows OS" or something similar. Don't forget to install an antivirus[Avast works fine] and FireFox[Firefox 3.1 beta 2 works fine]. Windows 7 comes default with IE 8 Beta, but I'd just stick to FF. If you want to update your Windows 7 install with a newer build, pop in the DVD with the iso and select upgrade while logged in Windows 7.

Hope this helps you guys on the fence, the guys who want to take a look at MS' new XP [Yeah, I said it] but don't want to take some unnecessary risks. Enjoy and please do comment on your experiences or share your thoughts below. Cheers!!

Hope you enjoy the quite interesting guest post by Sriram Sridharan at Orangeman Burns blog
Reference Windows 7 Build 7000: An installation guide

Thursday, January 8, 2009

[Blogger] How to add a Interactive form

Blogger dose not have a Gadget or separate page to add a interactive form such as contact me form directly. So always you have to look for a alternative method for that. Following is the two most coolest method I have used so far. 

Google Docs Form is a great way to add a simple interactive form for your blog or website. After log into your Google Docs account you will be having a options to add a new form. 

It will take you to a simple page where you can create the form you want. Form can have text areas, multiple choice, check boxes and scales.

1. You can email the form to all the contacts in your Gmail address book or any new email address.
2. You can view the summery in Google Spread sheet. So later if you are planing to migrate to a database or analyse your data you can do it in straight away.
3. You can embed the form to your blog or you can have it as a different page. 

Whats Missing
1. Not possible to change the layout or template of Google Doc forms. 

Overall Google Doc Form is a good way to add a contact form or any other interactive form. 

Formspring is another way of adding a cool form without any programming or html knowledge. As Formspring is specially for creating forms it got all most all the features you would like to see. 
Data analysing tools, Export to excel, Email when someone submit a form are few of the options you can enjoy. 

Formspring and Google Doc Form are two free tools you can use to add a clean and simple interactive form to your blog. You can create it without any html or programming knowledge.

Macworld 2009 - Update

I have to say that it wasn't as excited as people had anticipated. There was no iPhone Nano, no Mac Mini.

The features added to iPhoto was pretty cool though. It attempts at facial recognition, using GPS data embedded within pictures (JPG). Besides this there were several other announcements made but again nothing as exiciting to mention here.

The full keynote releases can be found here

Just one more thing, Apple Ended their last Macworld with a statement "The Best is yet to come"

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

[WordPress] How to uninstall Wordpress

It takes only couple of minutes to install Wordpress blog in your server. However, sometimes due to miss configurations or if you change your mind and want to move your blog to a another directory you might need to uninstall your installed Wordpress blog. Still there is no straight forward method to do so.

Anyway it is quite simple as just deleting all the files and folders related to your Wordpress blog and remove the database. By default  you will see three folders and file names start with "wp_" with index.html, license.txtreadme.html and xmlrpc.php.

If you are using a web server management tool it will provide a user friendly interface to delete the database from the server. Other wise you can use my sql command to do so. 
                                  Drop [Database name] 
If you are using the command line option or interface always double check whether you are deleting the correct database. I recommend to take a backup of every database you have before you execute such commands. 

Here is a useful video demonstration  How to Install WordPress 2.7, 2.8, or 2.9 through Cpanel.

This will totally uninstall the Wordpress blog from your server and you can install a fresh copy of Wordpress now. 

Hack to Change Windows XP Home to Windows XP Professional

Firstly, please try this at your own risk

Follow these steps

1. Copy the root directory and the i386 directory of the WindowsXP CD to your hard drive.

2. Extract the Bootsector of your Windows XP CD. You can use BBIE to do this.



5. Click FILE–>LOAD HIVE and select the file
This file is located in the i386 folder. Use the one you extracted to your hard drive from your Windows XP CD.

6. Locate the following registry key:


7. Edit the DEFAULT key and change the following values:

01 to 00
02 to 00

8. Change the name to the value HOMEKEY to anything.

9. Locate the following registry key:


Edit the DEFAULT key and change the following values:

01 to 00
02 to 00
10. Highlight HOMEKEY and select FILE–>UNLOAD HIVE

Buy Cheap iPhones - at Best Buy

This applies only to our readers in North America

Best Buy, The electronics chain said the used iPhones, which were returned within 30 days of purchase, are priced at $149 for the model with 8 gigabytes of storage, while the 16-gigabyte version is $249. A two-year service contract with AT&T is required.

New iPhone 3Gs currently sell for $199 and $299 at Best Buy Mobile stores.


Play Flute with your iPhone

Install Ocarina app

Play The Ocarina
  • Blow into your microphone to play music
  • Hold down combinations of holes to change pitch
  • Tilt your phone to change vibrato rate and depth
  • Advanced users can change keys and modes, including C-Major and the new Zeldarian mode

Ocarina is the first true musical instrument created for the iPhone. Both experts and beginners will be amazed by this innovative player. Ocarina is sensitive to your breath, touch and movements, making it even more versatile than the original. Unlike other musical applications, there are no pre-compiled riffs so musicians will find unlimited opportunities for self-expression. Advanced options allow you to choose between diatonic, minor and harmonic scales. Or channel your favorite video game adventurer with Smule's Zeldarian mode.

Apple Introduces new laptop with NO KEYBOARD!

Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard

THIS IS FAKE! The news has been flotting on the internet. Readers are advised it is not real!

Macworld 2009

Following our post on Apple's last Macworld in 2009 - we made a prediction that Apple may announce iPhone Nano

The Macworld starts in approximately 6hours from Now!!

The hottest prediction are for an iPhone Nano and Mac Mini!

Apple might surprise the crowd with it's own version of Netbook with under $1000 price tag

If a new Mac Mini comes out, people are advised to cut their credit cards immediately. It will be very tempting and irrestible

Macworld's keynote speaker who is usually Steve Jobs will be replaced by Phil Shiller.

I am excited to see what Apple will bring to their last Macworld!

Stay tuned, crazzycool will be posting what the announcement was!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

[Download] Spyware Adware Clearner

Spyware and Adware is annoying than the actual viruses . It will eat up your valuable computer resources and some will keep up giving pop-up to various websites. There was couple of good Spyware and Adware cleaner such as AVG Spyware Cleaner but they are no longer available for free. Most of the other Spyware cleaners pretend to be free but they are actually do a free scan and after spending couple of hours for scanning it will request your credit card for fixing and cleaning the spyware

Ad-Aware 2008 free version comes in handy in cleaning annoying Spyware and Adware. Ad-Aware 2008 is the most popular Spyware download in CNET. It works with all the current Windows versions as well. 

Monday, January 5, 2009

[Problem]Audio format is not supported by the current application

Problem: In Acer machine you might get the error message saying "Audio format is not supported by the current application Would you like to playback with Acer Arcade" when you try to play DVD in Windows Media Player 11 in Windows Vista enviroment. 

If you still want to fix this and play DVDs in the Windows Media Player simply download AC3 filter and install it. 

[Mind Hacks] Learn to Learn

You learn every minute, every second. Still you have lot more to study as world keep on changing. Everyday there will be new theories, concepts, ideas added. It is pretty much impossible to learn everything. But it is possible to learn how to learn which will improve how you learn things and simplified the complicated picture. I will explain couple of method that can be used to improve learning. It is always important to try couple of methods and select the best working method for you.

Mind Mapping  
Mind mapping is one of the best method to get a whole concept/chapter in to one A4 size paper. Start from the middle of the paper (Main Concept) and all the sub categories and information will spread through like a tree. As you summaries the whole thing into one paper you can easily understand the relations between the facts and make it easy to remember. You can make it colourful funky as you want. You can find software to draw mind maps Will lot of information but personally I prefer create my own mind maps on a piece of paper. 

Learning to Read 
There are so many methods to read. Even though you do not know by name you use couple of these methods in different situations. If you can master the reading speed and reading techniques you can improve your learning. Following is the methods you can use and apply it to the appropriate situation.
Hop method
Photo Reading
Card Speed Reading
Zig-Zag Speed Reading
Skim Reading
SQ3R Reading
I am pretty sure beyond the general efficient learning techniques you can build up your own techniques. However, most of the time they are personal always it will not work for someone else. For example study with a back ground music will work on some but others prefer study in a quite environment. It is always good to try couple of such methods and identify they best suite learning environment for you.
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